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Everything posted by SR4

  1. do you mean finishing up reading your book, or you're writing a book?! writing a book. I now have an official deadline for publication (signed a contract), so I really gotta bust my ass. No way?! Wow congrats man that's a major accomplishment. Do you have more details? thx! none too much that Im ready to divulge at the moment, want to keep it all hush hush. But its essentially historical research, and certainly not oriented towards a mainstream/popular crowd...and I don't mean that in a condescending way, but this book covers a pretty localized subject, thus the actual market for such a topic is pretty small and will probably only cater to libraries and historical societies. Hopefully Ill see a few hundred bucks out of it (not bloody likely).
  2. do you mean finishing up reading your book, or you're writing a book?! writing a book. I now have an official deadline for publication (signed a contract), so I really gotta bust my ass.
  3. Read 5 and half books in 4 days and my mind is swelled to the point of breaking. But still managed to write 10 pages today. 90 pages left of reading and then work more on finishing my book WOOO I AM PUMPED UP I NEED MORE CAFFEINE IM A FRAGGING MONSTAR
  4. since i restarted my grad studies, I havent had much time to play stuff...decided to focus on wrapping up all the stuff I never got around to in Skyrim, collecting all the Dragon Priest masks, experimenting with Destruction/Conjuration builds, and playing through Dragonborn...man what a great DLC! Love the Lovecraft=esque minions and fucked up book worlds. Definitely a surprise to me...gonna have fun going after all the Black Books..
  5. WWI, also known as The Great Clusterfuck.
  6. So Im living in a new place far from home for my doctoral studies/teaching job, and I noticed the person next to me was in the process of moving in. I noticed he was Korean (he had tons of Nong Shim ramen boxes outside and K-pop blaring through the window). I was excited to meet the guy, so I walked up, said hello, and asked if he needed any help with the boxes. He must have shot me the dirtiest look on earth and gruffly said "No." So much for communal bonding. There's a huge Korean community in this area, but apparently there is no interest to communicate. I did however meet another person in the next building over who is a Chinese professor from Taiwan, real cool guy it would seem. But damn, I was really looking to practice my Korean.
  7. think because of this thread I might replay Deus Ex: HR all weekend. Either that for finally break out the MGS HD collection...is Peace Walker a fun game?
  8. fucking love this game. my love for this game will never run out. ive been playing the original fallout lately and while I like it to a certain extent, its certainly really fucking dated. But I just started so who knows (im lvl 6 or something) might replay Deus Ex HR from the previous few posts, that game really was awesome. Fuck tha haters.
  9. i have such a hard on for EU games. Would you say at this juncture it is superior to EUIII? One major thing that im picky about is the map, it looked gorgeous in EUIII when you zoomed out (like a real map), but it looks like 4 is just borrowing the CKII one. Disappointment :(
  10. holy shit thats awesome congrats!!! I knew a guy that was in charge of PR I think there? and he was one of the coolest eccentric characters Ive ever had the pleasure to meet. I think youll have a blast, if not learn a lot from the opportunity. You have successfully achieved my childhood dream of working for NASA, I at least have massive respect for you on that tip!!! Im paralleling this post with my post in the first world problems thread, but Im ALMOST done the neverending flood of paperwork and will soon be teaching and reading cool books again! Huzzah!
  11. Fucking paperwork. Christ, in order to make my measly fellowship I have to fill out unending forms, all of which require calling someone to fill out another form, or to fix a discrepancy between forms due to clerical error. I really hope this ends soon and I get do actual work. I mean I know I shouldn't complain; Im going to school for free (practically), but forms are the bane of my existence.
  12. being luke motherfucking viia, what else? (seriously though congrats!) yeah fucking hell yeah I cant tell you how nice it is to have a decent friggin fellowship..certainly lightens the financial burden (though nowhere near close to a normal living ;) ) but hey, take what you can get. no debt is is the only good debt!
  13. lol, I just went from having to burn cds to play in my car to having a usb ipod interface on my newish car, which was incredible. So there's like an SSD in your car or sommat? What a time to be alive. (tbqh though, I kind of like the USB connection for keeping my ipod charged and having turn by turn play from the car speakers, and I can navigate through the ipod via the center console) haha, right? quoted for friggin truth. now the problem is for me to figure out how it works. to be honest Im not sure "what" the mp3 capability actually is, I didn't really look at it as intently as I had planned (honestly though in the large scheme of things its irrelevant, I win as long as I can play music). Will be sure to fill you in on the details. The challenge is figuring out how to get it to work.
  14. buying my own car for the first time!! (my first car was my parents, i paid off the remainder of their loan) oddly enough, Im only truly excited about having an mp3 player in my car so I dont have to carry an ipod everywhere.
  15. did about 3000 things this past week getting ready to move...and forgot one of the most important ones, ordering the electricity turned on. I move there in three days, and I move in on the weekend. Meaning unless the electric company has incredibly fast service (which i doubt), I will be paying a shitload of money living out of a hotel for a week. Godfuckingdammit I hate moving.
  16. Right at the end of my shift I knocked over an expensive plate. Now Im never going to hear the end of it. Why the fuck would the dishwasher put an expensive plate on the edge of the short table? WTF goddamn that made me so angry. edit: im sorry to hear that josh, that would piss me off too. Right now Im getting destroyed by all these surprise fees/registry things for the new program im at.
  17. PROUD OF YOU! <3 Thanks! =) I'm trying really hard this time. I need to do this for my health and for people that rely on me being healthy and happy. I know I can do it! hell yeah man. one of the first things you will notice if youve been a constant heavy drinker is all the weight you will lose.
  18. hundreds? srlsy? i'll give you that there were maybe 20/30 some shit bowie tracks that were written before space odyssey, when he went by Davey Jones lol (imo of course).. im a bowie fanatic though so im pretty biased. i will say that i don't really listen to much bowie pre-ziggy stardust, not a huge fan of any of his output 1964-1972, except for Hunky Dory.. 74/diamond dogs era and forward is where my bowie obsession lies. and wait, there's a bowie thread on here? how did i miss this? you'll get "introduce me to bowie" or "what are your fave Bowie songs" threads every few months. And as another Bowie fanatic I will never stop recommending Heathen until it gets the respect it deserves.
  19. finally decided to watch The Sopranos. on the 8th episode and Im loving it so far. Why did I take so long to watch this? I think I may be biased towards stereotypical Italians.
  20. haha don't encourage me! i've enough money problems going to school as it is...though I have heard of a lot of historians later moving on to law....
  21. haha thanks guys! tbh it was a case in traffic court, nothing huge, but i had to challenge it. I always fess up and pay in the past, but this one was just flagrantly made up. I couldn't afford to pay the ticket or afford the pts. without my insurance increasing. I basically brought a shitload of evidence including diagrams and photographs showing that it was practically impossible for me to have been driving at the speed alleged by the officer. I then showed the judge the copies of specific evidence collected in the police incident report that showed a number of inconsistent statements. The big one that did it was that the officer was assigned to a speed trap, which was placed on a part of the road where I was certainly going the speed limit. But according to the documentation, he had found me in violation well before the speed trap (ie. he was lying through his teeth). So I basically argued that if he claimed the ticket was accurate and the violation occurred where he claimed, he was not participating in the speed trap, which would contradict the filed evidence aka. false and inaccurate documentation. Judge ruled in my favor, I'm a happy camper. All I can say is, if you think an officer is BSing you when you get a ticket, fight it, and fight it well. If you are in the right, there is no shame in getting all the info you can. One of the greatest things I've learned over the course of this is how valuable written requests for "discovery" are against police testimony. For those of you that aren't familiar with the term (i just became aware of it a few weeks ago), you as a defendant have a right to access all the documented information on said incidents. You send a written request for discovery to the police dept., and they are apparently legally obligated to provide that evidence. If they refuse, your case could get thrown out. Because of discovery I was able to look at and comb over the incident/citation reports and note the specific location of the speed trap vs. where I allegedly was speeding. Without that I'd be SOL. So yeah, discovery is awesome. I dunno if LOL Alzado is still around; he could probably clarify. Im sure Im not adequately explaining this procedure. My guess is that the speed trap was designed to bring up "ticket quotas" which is something that occurs rather frequently around the U.S. The thing that slightly pisses me off is how there were probably a lot of innocent people that ended up paying fines they shouldn't have paid.
  22. Went to court for the first time in my life, and won! No lawyer, just a good, well reasoned argument against a bunch o' BS. Walked out feeling like a badass. Was tempted to strut.
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