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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. Then I don't wanna see what Jedy Hairy Balls's pic looks like now.
  2. We used to have that collage of everyone's ugly faces, that one where Joyrex looked like Matt Damon.
  3. Thanks. If it wasn't already obvious, I know almost nothing about "Ye". He has and will continue to occupy nearly zero of my brain cells.
  4. This is what happens when a celebrity is constantly told they're a "genius". They start to think that everything they do/say is gold-plated and above reproach because of said "genius". So when they start spewing hate speech, they take the reasonable public reaction as being "censored"; there can't really be anything actually wrong with what they said because they've never heard the word "no" since they've achieved genius status.
  5. I'm a candidate, my eyes are sooo bad (-8.0), but they've started getting a little better as I've gotten older which probably would've messed it up had I done it. I don't mind wearing contacts, so I'm not going to get the laser eyes.
  6. A friend of mine has been making short, one-minute AI generated films. They're hilarious:
  7. I would argue that a lot of the reasons we're so unsure of whether or not we'll make it as a species are the same reasons that allowed us to get this far in the first place. Survival of the fittest, the tribal feelings, etc. that nowadays tend to lead to war and destruction are some of the same things that allowed early humans to survive long enough to reach this point Perhaps this is a contributing factor as to why we haven't found any other advanced civilizations (or why, if there are any, they're hiding from us).
  8. Can we just, like, give these people Texas or something? Let them form their own country, bid them Godspeed, and just watch the flames from a distance?
  9. https://talons.bandcamp.com/album/at-light-dark
  10. I'm pretty sure this paper is from people who are peripheral to the field of epidemiology. The author affiliations are from the Yale public health school, and school of management. This reads more like an economic paper to me; in fact, it's exactly the type of natural experiment that economists love to analyze. It's possible that some researchers in a more appropriate field will ask for their data and do their own analyses. Regarding the dude on twitter, to borrow from behavioral economics, look at his incentives. He's incentivized to get clicks and retweets, not to necessarily be glaringly accurate and provide a rundown of the merits and demerits of the work. This system isn't going to change, so instead of hating on journalists and social media (not aimed at you in particular) we need to teach people to think critically about where information is coming from, who is providing that information, what potential motives they may have. If we can do that, we have a chance to at least create a culture where journalistic entities act more responsibly. In the end, I don't think there's anything wrong with this paper. It seems well-formulated, and it's up to the reader to read it with all the caveats of non-peer-review and make their own conclusions.
  11. Says right on the second page "NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official NBER publications". Hopefully a peer-reviewed publication will come from this data.
  12. Not sure anyone ever said there's a causal relation, even your hated journalist. I don't see any issue with the language he's using; he's quoting facts from the paper and using language like "suggests", not "proves". Please correct me if I'm wrong. You don't need to be a scientist to be able to read and understand a scientific paper (if it's written well), and then report some facts and conjecture about what the data suggests as long as you use the appropriate language which I think he did here. We'd never be able to find a true causal relation here because nobody would ever be allowed to run an experiment with control and experiment groups who were kept from and exposed to COVID, respectively. This was about the best kind of "natural experiment" as you're going to get with this sort of thing.
  13. And the "adults" in the room are too afraid speak up lest they be voted out by a voting bloc of morons who had rarely participated in politics but have been pulled out of their literal and metaphorical caves to turn our system into more of a freakshow than what it was before.
  14. As Seinfeld progressed, they kind of transitioned from storylines featuring relatable, everyday situations (The Chinese Restaurant, The Parking Garage, The Stranded), to a bit more wacky storylines (The Puffy Shirt, The Barber), to completely unhinged wackiness where the meat is not so much story but exposition on how crazy the characters can get (The Chicken Roaster, The Little Jerry, The Butter Shave, The Merv Griffin Show...). It got totally wacky after Larry left, but the transition was happening even when he was there. I'm guessing it's due to a few reasons, it's probably hard to write clever episodes like the early ones season after season. Different writers come in during later seasons and, having developed their own notions of the characters, tend to take the stories in those directions perhaps?
  15. Yeah pretty sure that was a Trump thing. I remember calculating that a hurricane has orders of magnitude more energy than a nuke. It would literally be like if you're walking down the sidewalk and someone tried to move you by throwing and hitting you with a bar of soap.
  16. Love it. That 2-second sequence after the door is opened is choreographed and shot so perfectly.
  17. There's some of that in the commentary/extra content on the Seinfeld DVDs (which is great content, btw). Apparently, sometimes if the audience wasn't feeling what he was doing that night, he would berate them, tell them to fuck off, and leave the stage.
  18. I think it's unfair to compare them directly, since they existed in very different worlds with respect to what could/couldn't be done, and what had been done before. In that respect, I think Seinfeld wins. For that show to survive on network TV in the early '90s was insane. Of course, I enjoy the Larry David seasons a lot more than the later ones, where it just got too wacky at the expense of the minutiae. Laugh for laugh, Curb is probably funnier but I find myself rewatching Seinfeld way more than Curb. Maybe I just like the ensemble of the main four, or perhaps the quick sitcom format more than Curb's format of Larry gets trapped in a situation and acts like a dick and finds a way out of it somehow.
  19. 750 mL?? I know it's cliché, but I've found that the good stuff is much more likely to not give hangovers.
  20. But you know that prosecuting him isn't just going to make everyone on his side fall in line. Trumpers would be calling on the DOJ to prosecute any and all high-ranking Ds for any number of things real and fake from now until forever. Not saying that's a reason to not do it, just something the DOJ has to consider. I mean if we're talking precedent, the Rs already burned that bridge with the last two SCOTUS nominations, so maybe it's time for the Ds to grow their precedent-breaking balls.
  21. I'm not so sure the DOJ will attempt to prosecute him. They're supposed to be completely impartial when it comes to politics and a lot of people are afraid of the precedent that it sets if they go after him, even though there is clear evidence that he broke at least a few laws. If they don't go after him, what precedent does that set also? That this kind of behavior will be tolerated? They are kind of screwed either way. Personally, I think it's worth the risk to prosecute him, but I don't get to make that call.
  22. Caught Lola just after waking up from a nap. Seems to be a pretty meme-able picture.
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