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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. Is "War Fare" some kind of war-themed festival food or drink??
  2. We did have the member photo with all y'all's mugs on it...
  3. I've been around since 2005 but I was and still am an infrequent poster. Can't remember what my usernames were back then. I miss TheJacketLoose, that dude was funny (hence my sig). Where did he go?
  4. Love it. I am seriously in love with geuzes. Why did I find them so late in life??
  5. In Seattle for the day at the end of an 8-day vacation. Flew to Chicago, took the Empire Builder Amtrak to Montana, spent 4 days in Glacier National Park, hopped back on the train to Seattle, fly home tomorrow.
  6. I think we can calculate the size of black holes, I think the singularity comes about because anything that massive breaks Einstein's equations by turning that area into a singularity. That's because there's no quantum stuff in relativity. A black hole is weird in that it's such a massive object where quantum effects dominate. The spacetime stuff is also from relativity, so if you could live inside a black hole, time might not stand exactly still relative to an outside observer because the mass isn't really infinite. I'm not sure if anyone has worked out time dilation with quantum effects.
  7. That must be an illustration of the uncertainty of measurements. The more precise you measure either position or momentum, the more uncertain your simultaneous measurement of the other becomes. The uncertainty principle is also what causes zero point energy. If you could cool a particle down to absolute zero, it wouldn't stop vibrating because then its position and momentum would both become exactly known. So there's still some vibration energy even at absolute zero because Heisenberg says you can't know both position and momentum with very high accuracy.
  8. Yo mama's so dense that the positions of her fermionic matter are so fixed that their momentum must be exceedingly large because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerate_matter Edit: it's so wild to me that the uncertainty principle is what keeps neutron stars and black holes from collapsing further than they do. It's like the universal density limit. Once you pack enough stuff into a small enough space, their positions become so fixed that Heisenberg says that their momentum must go way up to keep the uncertainty, and the pressure from the higher particle momentum keeps it from collapsing more.
  9. I think he was banned not too long after I joined. I do remember his long-ass posts, and he was nice to me in the few PM interactions we had. Didn't really get to know his persona too well as I was new and trying to learn about everyone on the board. That's sucks about his recent behavior... Seems like some people like that just become so frustrated later in life at their inability to form normal relationships that they resort to stuff like this as a substitute. Hopefully he didn't seriously hurt anyone with his creepery.
  10. Perhaps the actions of individual officers should be studied and given as an example of a successful strategy, after the abject failure of their bosses to properly prepare for the crowd that they knew might show up that day.
  11. I'm not downplaying it at all. What I meant was, there was no concerted, shared plan. Maybe a handful of rogue actors had plans to get Pence or Pelosi, but the vast majority just broke in and wandered around the building. Imagine if they would've all been more organized... I've said this here before, but I kind of wish they had reached Pence or some other Congressperson and not killed them of course but roughed them up. That would've made it MUCH harder for the R assholes in Congress to ignore during the impeachment trial. As it stands, it's much easier for them to brush it off because yeah they came close but, hey, nothing bad happened to them or their colleagues. That's the view they're taking and feeding to their supporters. Of course the reality is that a bunch of morons tried to overthrow the government at a very vulnerable moment, but weren't organized enough to accomplish their goals.
  12. I wouldn't say they took it over, they basically broke in and then looked around for an hour or so. And this was them disorganized, which is why I hope the FBI is looking out for organization.
  13. These kinds of people have always existed, always spouting the same kind of crazy stuff. It's not like there are suddenly more of them. The only difference now is that it's much easier for them to organize and spread ideas though social media. I hope the FBI is closely watching out for that kind of thing.
  14. I wonder if these people would look at a liberal gathering / conference, with all these people trying to be inclusive and making plans to help the disadvantaged, with the same kind of befuddled incredulity in which we see this.
  15. Thanks. To be clear, it's more like infertility due to medical malpractice. Getting to deal with the US healthcare and legal systems at the same time was quite a frustrating experience.
  16. Oude geuzes were made for summer...
  17. I joined in 2005 when I was in grad school. At that time I guess I only wanted to end up with a good job, I had no plans on how to get there because I guess that's not how my mind worked back then. I tend to just go with the flow. Never thought I'd get married but I met a great girl at grad school and we got married. I graduated and found some cool post-docs which caused me to move around the mid-Atlantic and Northeast US a bit while she finished school. Was super lucky to get a great job by an online application, didn't even know anyone in the company. 11 years and I'm still at that job and I've been able to make a little niche for myself in an area of expertise that is needed but that almost nobody else understands. I feel like I'm just hitting my stride right now in my job and I'm really excited about the stuff I'm doing. I guess the only part that didn't turn out as expected is that I expected to have kids at some point. That didn't happen for a reason that I covered in a post on here several years ago, but the Mrs. and I are still happily married. I'll be 41 this month and I am trying to plan for retirement. Because of no kids and some money resulting from the incident that took away our ability to have kids, I'm trying to figure out how to best invest our money so that we both can retire as early as possible (shooting for 55, fingers crossed). Mutual funds are total shit so I'm pouring it into S&P500 ETFs. Hoping to retire to the Pacific Northwest and buy a nice, small house on a hillside overlooking the Puget Sound.
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