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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. She looks lovely. So glad she's living the good life now!
  2. That's exactly my point, everyone has different expectations of what that term means, and that can vary from region to region. I didn't say I was on one side or the other, but you seemed to take my comments as being on one side.
  3. Alongside the dictionary definitions of what "doctor" really means, you have to consider how the majority of the public will perceive it and if its usage is intended to influence that perception. Like the never-ending argument of how some users of Tesla's "autopilot" autonomous driving system sometimes mistakenly think that they can fall asleep at the wheel or watch movies while the car is driving because, hey, it's on autopilot! Meanwhile Tesla defenders are quick to point out that in airplanes, autopilot is not a strictly autonomous system and often requires input from the pilots, but does the majority of the public really know that? And do you think Tesla considered the responsibility they may bear by calling their system "autopilot" while neglecting to have any robust driver monitoring systems vs. the marketing and sales cache that the term "autopilot" imparts? FWIW I am a Dr. (of Chemical Engineering) and I never introduce myself as Dr. or have people call me that because they invariably think that I'm a medical doctor.
  4. https://divagazioni20.damianobacci.net/2014/10/11/everything-about-all-lights-fucked-on-the-hairy-amp-drooling/
  5. http://vishkhanna.com/ Haven't listened to the podcast yet, but will soon.
  6. That is definitely in part due to his age, the willingness to go balls to the wall for tricks. After he was done with his runs, Shaun White said something like, "I'll never again have to stand at the top of the halfpipe and wonder if this is the time I end up really hurting myself.". That's probably a thought that anyone under 25 wouldn't have.
  7. Not sure how "freely available" the process is for extracting deuterium from seawater. Some googling says it's a proven process; I'm guessing it's not energy efficient but you surely get that back on the back end since you only need a tiny amount to fuse to create a huge amount of energy.
  8. He won the game BECAUSE he is the type of dude who won't just quit and go off to his island to relax. That's how you win almost any game, work hard enough so that you won't be able to enjoy it when it's over, because everyone else won't be willing to give up that much.
  9. It's still one of the best places in the world to earn your income due to the relatively low taxes (as long as you're healthy!). I'm 15 years away from retirement but I sure have been thinking a lot about where I would want to go to spend what will hopefully be a long and relaxing retirement.
  10. Haven't had a chance to listen yet, but if that is the real leak it's so crazy that it finally leaked after all this time.
  11. It's almost 10:00 and time for the daily tea break. I'm a creature of habit and this 10:00 tea break has carried over since 2007 when I spent 4 months in India, and I celebrate by having a cardamom chai tea: And at this snack break I also eat half a bag of these spicy Szechuan peanuts:
  12. Looks like a semi-prolapsed pizza asshole.
  13. While not quite as bad but still bad, my mom is really into Dr. Oz. I'm trying to ween her off of him bit by bit. What is it with moms trusting whackjob doctors??
  14. So then blue lives matter people should be pro-vaccine?? Oh, right, that's applying logic. My bad.
  15. Could be quite true, but to me the most striking result from that study is that these "metacognitively impaired" people exhibited this inability to critically assess self-confidence in their decision-making for basic tasks like estimating the number of dots on a screen. This suggests, to me at least, that this impairment is innate. I guess it could be learned behavior, or probably most likely some combination of nature & nurture, like most everything else. That would mean that for some people, we could "nurture" the deficiency down to a manageable level, and others will just be lost causes. Nah I'll bet that there were some great minds who had this "impairment". This behavior probably leads the individual to often challenge the status quo and come up with new ideas. When paired with an average or low intellect, you might get these Q-anon followers; but with higher intellect, it might lead to some great innovators who will have the confidence to try new things that others wouldn't.
  16. I've linked to this study earlier, but it seems people who hold these extremist views might be "metacognitively impaired", meaning they lack the basic ability to objectively judge confidence in their own decisions and beliefs, i.e., they are overconfident in their beliefs and choices even when presented with evidence that their choices were incorrect, even in simple tasks that have nothing to do with politics (estimating the number of dots on a screen). This deficiency was not found to correlate with intelligence, and it could suggest that some people just lack the ability to objectively judge themselves when making decisions that form their beliefs, and I don't know if that can be fixed. https://psmag.com/news/the-underlying-psychology-of-political-radicalism https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(18)31420-9
  17. Even so, a lot (not all, I'm sure, but probably a LOT) of the people who are this far into it either lack the cognitive skills or have never been taught how to go through life with a properly critical and logical mind. So if we "deprogram" them from Q without trying to teach them the skills of basic logical reasoning and critical thought, what's going to happen to them? Will they just fall down the next rabbit hole? Will they be able to responsibly participate in our political system?
  18. Yes, it was a tweet originally and a report made through the city's "311" app for non-emergency issues. The local Pgh. media has since picked up on it: https://www.post-gazette.com/local/city/2022/01/28/pittsburgh-bridge-collapse-2018-photo-point-breeze-frick-park/stories/202201280107 Here's a link to the news story about PA diverting funds from roads & bridges to fund state cops: https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/lehigh-county/2019/04/42-billion-diverted-from-penndot-road-and-bridge-repairs-to-fund-state-police-new-audit-reveals.html
  19. Damn I used to drive over that bridge once a week when I lived in Pgh.
  20. Apparently he was suspended and is on paid leave. He doesn't have to teach the viral vector cocksuckers and he gets paid. Mission accomplished. Edit:. My wife got a kick out of this, she's a professor who is being forced to go back to work this week to teach a bunch of dirty college students who aren't required to be vaccinated because college gotta make money.
  21. Since I'm in Jersey, there's prob a high chance that if you're in the US your trash is already within a 100 mile radius of me.
  22. Thinking about adding some more rolling stock to my LEGO train. One car that I see a LOT of here in NJ is the "trash flatcar" hauling garbage from all over the USA into New Jersey. I will post pics once I've ordered the pieces and built a couple.
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