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Knob Twiddlers
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exitonly last won the day on January 8 2023

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    United States

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  1. it’s in the corporate sector as well. ai programming assistants like github copilot are changing the way programmers work. ai tools are being used to augment/replace support personnel at companies. those are just the easy ones due to the amount of data available to train on. obviously getting it into robotics will be the big leap but tons of desk job stuff is being affected already. if you start writing an email, gmail will complete it for you based on context in your own emails
  2. plunging into total darkness is pretty much the only thing that can bring the U.S together these days
  3. boat money in arkansas maybe. most places it will be maybe enough to afford a starter home
  4. Shogun is the best non-animated show i’ve seen recently by a long shot. really looking forward to it each week.
  5. still waiting for this to be real. i want this reissue so bad. i’ve been lurking on discogs about an og issue for years but hesitated to go for it
  6. had my music playing on shuffle and hit throbbing gristle, which made me want to finish listening to this album so i did
  7. exitonly


    saw Dune 2 in cliMax at the Barely Regal Cinema in the Loyd Detention Center. Movie was great. Sound not too loud as I had feared. It did rush at the end but I feel like that’s how it was in the book too. The entire Lynch version was rushed (not his fault) so can’t complain much. I liked the tweaks they made to you-know-who.
  8. listened to the first 6 tracks on a drive, i like the vibe but kind of samey.
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