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Knob Twiddlers
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exitonly last won the day on January 8 2023

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  1. they conceded in all cases, outside of trump. big difference between some nutjobs saying the election was stolen and people in office claiming the same thing.
  2. i get the appeal. its hootie and the blowfish encoded as a low bitrate mp3
  3. a little worried about this rob brown solo tour. hope we don’t get/genuinely actually want a speakerboxxx/the love below split double album type situation
  4. the bigger question is who records at 64kb/s? Based on that, I thought these files were recorded in 1998 or something but turns out the opus format was released in 2012. In any case forgot to say thanks to @Ski Nell for the upload. I'm bickering but I appreciate the sonics.
  5. converted it to mp3 using ffmpeg..bitrate is 62kb/s lol Input #0, ogg, from '02 - Aphex Twin - Side B.opus': Duration: 00:49:27.70, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 62 kb/s Stream #0:0: Audio: opus, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp Metadata: TITLE : Side B ARTIST : Aphex Twin ALBUM : Untitled Cass Tape DATE : Circa 1991 track : 02
  6. living life to the fullest
  7. lol no. more like realizing this forum has been distilled down to a handful of cranks including myself
  8. the last thread definitely made me strongly consider dropping this forum altogether
  9. marketing build up is weird. more people will buy it if it’s released later? doesn’t make sense to me but it must be true otherwise we wouldn’t have that dumb stuff like ableton moved announced as a guessing game for a couple of weeks
  10. i think there should be a thread of Sean dissing specific albums with incredible vitriol
  11. i prefer albums as well simply because i like polish/production in electronic music. also agree about the “one giant track” for each set being hard to digest… even though honestly i typically listen to albums from beginning to end without stopping. i kinda doubt they will never put out a “studio album” again but i can understand what the live stuff is the focus at the moment
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