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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. If Trump was a dynamite, it was the dynamite in a nitroglycerine warehouse.
  2. the worst is when our celebrities try to copy hwood pr stunts and it's triple the cringe because of the fact they copy it and think they're the hottest shit, then second, because the execution is so low-effort and low-budget, atop of the original overall cringe. i can't bear it. and i hate the word cringe. also lots of mumble rapping, but that's mainly because chicks dig it
  3. it mainly prevents the public to come to a large enough consensus upon which they would act against corporate/political overlords on really important issues as a coherent force. that is the sole basis of the existence of PC/cancel culture.
  4. i did mention character assassination and its perks as being the central thing here. i will also add general diversion of public's attention and focus of discourse. didn't want to dispense with words though. as the name implies, shit must be politically correct. and the term is deliberately ambiguous. you can make anything politically correct or incorrect, it doesn't matter if it really is or isn't. the volume of outcry is enough to stir shit up and prevent discourse. push it into prime time news and you can generate national or global controversy out of nothing. the input of effort is so tiny compared to the amount of effect.
  5. i'm afraid it's not a fad, because it has much too powerful effect with today's mass media compared to 90s. character assassination is more effective than Oswald-style assassination, less messy, and the mob does it for you it's medieval
  6. it could be a typo that somehow got through to production and no one noticed, so now it's put up there for laughs or something
  7. I'd argue it's closer to 48.3%. The cowbell track was finally muted by Sean, not Darren, in the mastering room
  8. well Fitton is credited on Incunabula for "assistance", along with some engineers, but I doubt he did any fingering
  9. it's nice to see the Deutsche-Amerikanische Freundschaft thing still going
  10. Nebraska, you're like an agent of horror and i always fall into your trap
  11. There used to be blogs with all kinds of weird, quirky, obscure themes, collections, treaties on topics. It's rather sad when I go through my old bookmarks to visit favorite blogs with the latest entry being several years ago.
  12. so .hot( ) is a method shared by a tea maker and a shield generator well done Data
  13. True Detective I don't like horror shit, I can turn on the world news channels for that and see loads of horror, so I tend to avoid such senselessness in my life. I also avoid McConeaughey. But I also do stuff against my preferences now and then because, as I learned, it can bring you interesting new outlooks and experiences. Sometimes. So here I am: a man of contradictions. There's something about this american gothic stuff that stirs imagination, and all the necessary ingredients are there. It can be pretty dark shit, but it also fuels good morbid curiosity. I've heard about the King in Yellow novel before, but it's too dark for my taste so I never read it. McConaughy man, can he be any more up his own ass with his self-aggrandizing postures and gestures? And his voice here is eating up words so I had trouble understanding half of his dialogue. He is almost a caricature, it's really kind of funny like that. But otherwise he did a good job with Rust I think. I loved the biker gang infiltration chapter, it had the grit and the danger was palpable, and I really love Rust's catharsis at the end: "...once there was only dark...if you ask me, the light is winning." Are the next seasons also worth a watch?
  14. yay, all aboard the money laundering train!! *honks the horn twice* I feel like this is going to be an interesting decade. Because crypto will create a world without accountability.
  15. Oh, I know. My friend is working for a nautical producer that decided a couple of years ago to redesign their entire product portfolio, for which he invited me along, but I reluctantly declined. Basically a project that will be going on for the next several years. Apart from a model or two that have electrical propulsion and recycled materials, there's very little consideration for environment in this. As you go up the price range, materials become more expensive and "luxurious", as you said, teak wood for entire decks (some have multi-level decks), bridges, interiors, etc. One-piece plastic hulls, "performance" models with high-power engines that consume enormous amounts of fuel. There's also sonars. Sea mammals that use echolocation are avoiding huge shipping lanes because of sonar noise pollution that affected their behavior to the point that it restricts their mating and eating behavior. The powerful submarine and military ship active sonars are so powerful that it disrupts whale communication and life patterns. You can find plenty of maps of international oceanic shipping lanes on the internet which gives you a pretty clear idea of how the living space for these animals is isolated and cut-off.
  16. Is having a megayacht really that necessary though?
  17. don't have time to read it right now but I have one question: are bullwallet, ae ama, ms paints, ice water with ice, beards, trashbear, rolling lols, yearly most idm competitions, and reading the rules mentioned in there?
  18. I know it's not relevant anymore, but
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