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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. this thing came on a radio while I was driving and I started singing to it like a bitch
  2. 4/10 is just for "oh your beautiful diseases" then I build on that. So Lynch's Dune is 8/10
  3. No dude, the taxpayers pay for prisons. It's basically payed vacation for him, and he will be able to mingle with like-minded people. Let him work 12 hour shifts in a warehouse for a shit wage and piss in bottles like his employees had to. Or give him a shovel and send him to mineral mines in Africa. Or give him a hammer to strip rusty old ships in India. Or send him to a landfill picking out copper from old chip boards. Let him and people like him get a taste of their own medicine. He probably meant that "elites" will remain on the lush, green Earth, while others will have to go offshore living in capsules, eating processed food and mine asteroids.
  4. ok that definition is more deserving for a big tiddy goth gf
  5. as a non-native english speaker I had to look up torrid, and it says "very hot and dry?" and for British is "full of difficulty" none of which paint me the picture I had initially imagined upon reading your post.
  6. maybe he's just yekking on TikTok... i mean the platform seems to be right for this kind of activity...
  7. How were you able to read Kapital with that same attention span?
  8. This is well worth your time, if you're interested. Capitalism is dead. We live in technofeudalism
  9. Some tracks have acid sounds and flavor to it, but Black Narcissus is still distinctly electro (well, for me at least ? Thanks for recommendation, will check out
  10. "Humour" videos in 2020s is pasting sentences in a rapid fire succession. If this trend continues, "funny" videos in 2030s will be just similar "humorous" statements overlapping each other in one huge garble of human sounds. (But the video will still have to be more than 10 minutes long, so it will have to be time-stretched)
  11. That guy was mistaken. Autechre sounds like an electric coil stuck in a washing machine. Here's the proof:
  12. You can hear your technics on aux?
  13. that is some juicy electro stuff right here: sorry for spamming a bit, but it's worth it
  14. aye. those were some golden years. I will add Chain Reaction, DIN, !K7, Tresor, Sub Rosa, PIAS... if there's anything comforting in this world is that we will never run out of good music to explore
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