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Everything posted by thief

  1. perpetual / back from eternity is the ultimate seba/paradox collab
  2. this and Pub - Summer would make for a good double feature
  3. wicked, Plug - Gangsta at the start there
  4. i liked "cop show dad funk", for that tussy electro acid stuff anyway
  5. i got about half way through this before concluding it sounded way too much like a poor imitation of rod modell's dawn, dusk & darkness cd so i listened to that again instead ??
  6. sounds fantastic from that ig video i'm here for breakbeat paradinas
  7. rausch was absolutely unlistenable for me, that high freq ping noise on every kick throughout the whole album is fucking awful wtf was he thinking
  8. mick's tracks here are absolute killer
  9. i've had enough of all this cop show dad funk tomfoolery anyone out there making cop show mum funk?
  10. well... https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/711053?page=19 https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/808150
  11. https://seagrave.bandcamp.com/album/turning-points
  12. holy macaroni that fact max is excellent
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