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About theburglar

  • Birthday 06/24/1984

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  1. Thank you all for listening This is a collection of travel tracks. They’ve been worked on ”on the road” and finished at home. Going out for gigs after lockdown/toddler years was a little shock to the system. I’ve been showered with empathy, love and hugs and had to get the emotions out somehow. I’m very pleased.
  2. I’m having a little release party with my family. I’ve had a negroni and now some gin & tonic. You’re welcome to join in.
  3. I know, it’s because I’m extremely unpopular here. I’m getting paid good money not to do gigs in Sweden.
  4. Very glad you enjoyed it. Feels odd to know there was watmm presence in the audience. If any of you ever go to one of my gigs, come say hello
  5. Thank you, thank you I’m both too modest and proud to start my own threads. Soon everything I’ve worked on for labels since 2018 will begin to get released and I’m not comfortable spamming a lot of new threads.
  6. Missed the hessle audio artists for the second year in a row which was a bummer. I had a great time anyway. Did anyone else find the sound at the earthling stage a bit off? I went past and it was very echo-y. Met some lovely people and the staff is great.
  7. I recently dug up my old iBook G4 from long term storage. I don’t think I’ve switched it on in ten years but everything worked fine. I rendered out some stuff that I’m not sure I’ve used or properly finished. They were worked on between 2009-2012 it seems. Link below. iBook Pop
  8. Ah the proto rolando tracks. They are all in mono for some reason. I’ll have a look tonight, they might be on my archive drive.
  9. Thanks for linking. This was a labour of love for me. Very happy memories :)
  10. I don’t think it’s available anywhere. Don’t even know if I have it.
  11. Narrow eyes, holding a book about sex. All the signs are there!
  12. While it’s true that we’re not clever enough to lie we’re very often wrong.
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