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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/10/11/hamas-attacks-israel-bombs-gaza-and-misinformation-surges-online/

    bellingcat is usually a pretty reliable source of information. Analysis is solid. 

    On 10/14/2023 at 7:30 AM, decibal cooper said:

    The Syrian civil war, which I believe is still active in the Northwest region of that country

    It’s absolutely still active, and the situation in Kosovo is also getting very tense with Serbian troops mobilized apparently. 

    • Like 4
  2. Finally got a chance to go on a walk with some headphones and give this a listen last night. Agreed with a lot of comments that this sounds a bit more scattershot than his last few albums, which had a developed consistent sound. I feel like he's gone for a new thing with this record and you can see where it's going but he doesn't quite get there all the time. However....

    On 10/1/2023 at 10:35 AM, Friendly Stranger said:

    The last four tracks overall. Amazing run of tunes. I think On an Axis is one of the best tunes I’ve ever heard from him, I don’t even know how to classify it. 


    A Barely Lit Path is just next level, probably my track of the year.

    Totally the album builds to the last four tracks (although I think On an Axis is my least fav out of the four). The last 48 seconds or so of Memories of Music, with that swank bass line and then the simple but slightly shuffled hat come in on the four is mmm so lush.

    Ubiquity Road and A Barely Lit Path are just a gorgeous pairing to end off the album. Unfortunate that I'm in a land where the only legal mind altering substance is alcohol, but there it is.

    Having a second listen this morning, and it's still holding that same vibe of not quite being there all together. Some literal moments of genius followed by something slightly less cohesive.

    • Like 1
  3. 38 minutes ago, auxien said:

    idiotic US politicians are stating we need to take aid for Ukraine and direct it to Israel

    The US has been sending so much money to Israel for so long, something like $90B over the past 25 years (not adjusted for inflation either). It's also one of the grossest pieces of ongoing corruption, as Israel spends a huge chunk of that on US military equipment.


    And man the US is pushing to escalate this, if the Al-Jazeera report is accurate on what the US is sending to the region: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/9/what-military-aid-the-us-is-sending-to-israel-after-hamas-attack

    Looks like it: https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/us-raises-death-toll-9-americans-killed-weekend-103830620

    What Hamas did is appalling, of course, but what the Zionist fascists in Israel have been doing the past 70 years there is sickening.

    • Like 6
  4. 2 hours ago, ignatius said:

    they haven't mentioned water supply yet have they? saw a story a year or so ago about israel building a desalination plant for their water and none of it is going to gaza etc. so, they're getting pretty bad water in low quantities. sort of rationed i guess. 

    as for the Q brains.. what in particular about this is tearing up their brains? seems like they're always having the brains shredded from one thing or another


    No water supply yet. *Just* electricity. 

    Well Q brains blame Jews for running the globalist cabal, but they also dislike muslims…

  5. 4 minutes ago, t yst r said:

    I was actually being silly. Most consider ^these^ outtakes to be better than the albums from which they were omitted.

    The outtakes are good and all, but they are not better than the albums from which they were omitted. Except for "Cow is a Mammal",  that is a masterpiece.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Walter Ostanek said:

    How widespread is this child labour shit I keep hearing about? Fucking nuts

    Albeit not vastly different to what Canada does with Indian international students. Exploitation under the guise of feelgood pseudo-philanthropy?

    Lol that article talks about using actual children (like 13 year olds) to clean slaughterhouses. You're talking about paying Indian university students less than they might earn as research leads? (Or what are you talking about?) These two things are vastly different.

  7. 5 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    yeah. i saw a few things about detroit recently that were pretty inspiring. that piece was written years ago and republished  for reasons i guess. it has some lessons in it and detroit does too.


    6 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    there's a lot happening there w/local gardens to combat food deserts and genuine community happening in different pockets of the city. there's big group bike rides and stuff too

    Yeah there's a lot going on, but long way to go. BUt if it can happen in Detroit, it can happen anywhere in the US. I think the ability to different types of work remotely now will help with the sprawl and "automobile disease", and creating walkable, 15 minute cities. Although many corps are fighting remote work for a number of reasons, it just feels like an inevitability. 

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, ignatius said:

    interesting piece


    We can pretend that Detroit is a case of corruption or incompetence or racial issues or globalization—and there are certainly many nuances and complexities—but at the end of the day, what has happened and is happening in Detroit has a lot of commonality with nearly every other city in this country.



    I gotta say though, that the new investment into downtown Detroit has made that area remarkably livable. I visit my friend there a couple of times a year, and there's lots of walkability around Greektown and the MGM. It needs better public transportation, but the idea is right. Condos with grocery stores on the bottom floor, local shops and markets etc. I know it's only a small section of the city, but you gotta start somewhere. The sprawl though....

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