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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. 4 hours ago, milkface said:

    No it wasn't aggressive at all I just figured that the video was aimed at a slightly younger audience who never logs off of instagram as memes have changed so much since the various eras of memes that differ from each other greatly (2007/2012/2016). The video is hard to relate to without a strangely obscure and obsessive knowledge of the network of semi-niche instagram accounts that post a weird sort of dystopian content. The speaker exaggerates a lot obviously but with that in mind the video makes more sense than if the memes in question were the 'can i haz cheeseburger' type memes lol

    Also I'll check out that interview

    That adds a lot, thanks.  
    I was reading this interview with Chuck Klosterman and he made this point about how like an insta account or tik-tok account can have millions of followers, but unless you follow them, you wouldn’t know about them. Very different from pre-social media where like for example, everybody knew Nirvana. Similar to your point about knowing those insta accounts.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, cern said:

    Please can someone link to the Japanese release with fridge magnets and jackets and stuff you all talking about?? 


    From the link: オリジナル特典マグネット付きwhich translates to "includes original bonus magnet"


    From tower - that one comes with a t-shirt!

    No pictures of the bonuses though.

    Edit: Note the prices though. The Amazon one is 4,000yen which is like $40 Canadian.

    46 minutes ago, J3FF3R00 said:

    Bumping this...

    Anyone able to scan the QR codes in the google drive folder. My app is fully updated and I get nothing

    They just launch the box with the loop as far as I can see.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, Hail Sagan said:

    Imagine the rage that would’ve overswept watmm had there been the Japanese bonus track included on their vinyl after everyone had already ordered theirs. 

    Will let you all know how it sounds ?

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, chronical said:


    afx press selfie from here: https://www.excite.co.jp/news/article/Qetic_451880/ :cisfor:

    translating the page also gives some info on different bonuses from resellers. tower records has a bonus with two logo-sheets, hmv has a tour-poster-logo-magnet, diskunion has a tour-poster-design-card, amazon a logo-magnet and beatink another logo magnet.. maybe gimme one of those bleep for charging me shipping twice :wtf:

    Looks like I know where I’m going tomorrow. 

  5. @milkface apologies if anything I said came off as aggressive - if it did it certainly wasn't directed at you.

    Maybe the guy who runs that channel has done something more interesting that explores ideas more in depth? He seems like a bright guy, but like I said - all that analysis is very surface level (maybe that's just the point I'm missing?).

    I'd like to link to this interview (text only - so old school) with Benedict Anderson (am incredible political scientist/sociologist who wrote one of the most amazing books ever called Imagined Communities - which is about nationalism as a constructed state, but has connotations far beyond the nation-state as well in my opinion). This was done in 1996 - but it's amazing how much of what he is saying then is still relevant to the world today. https://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9711/msg00019.html


  6. 13 minutes ago, randomsummer said:

    And corporate taxes should depend on what the company produces. Companies that produce physical goods (manufacturing) should be taxed lower, then service industries a little higher, then companies like banks and hedge funds that just make money with money and don't produce anything should be taxed to the maximum extent.

    I'd say it's more nuanced than that - because service industries can create lots of value, and not all physical goods are valuable. In the financial sector you'd want to differentiate between banks that provide actual banking services (i.e. chequing and savings accounts) and then the hedge funds and other parasites should be taxed out of existence.

    • Like 4
  7. That "presentist"'s hair is on point. Literally.

    And then he said that seeing a meme is the equivalent to reading a Ph.D. (by which I presume he means reading a doctoral dissertation) -  that's fucking stupid. The context and nuance that gets to the crystalized point (as expressed in the meme) is fucking half the importance - you can read/see the point but if you don't understand how the author got to that point you haven't really learned anything - you're just regurgitating something you read without any actual understanding.

    I'll try and struggle through but so far, all signs point to:



    Christ then the host starts talking about chasing clout....



    Jesus - the aesthetic of war - it's brutal, harsh, and ugly. And no one who doesn't have clearance is doing signals intelligence, christ on a stick. Stopped watching there.

    • Like 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, milkface said:

    Nah the plans were already in place to build it but COVID and now the supply chain complications and rising material costs because of the Ukraine war delayed the project but I imagine the PL money might afford a few upgrades here and there but it would have been built even without promotion to the PL since 10,000 capacity is tiny even for the Championship/ League One. The project is really exciting because it'll also provide new housing and a new shopping district into Luton's town centre which has been decaying for decades. The new stadium will hold 20,000 people with the capability to increase to 23,000+ with minor expansions which is great because all of the seats at our current stadium are taken up by season ticket holders so no new fans can go to games. It'll also include safe standing for both home and away fans which will be a really exciting way to keep football passionate. But overall, the club are really sensible with money so I trust them completely.

    As for singings, there are plenty of rumours and players being linked to us but nothing definite so far! Looks like we're trying to take star players from the Championship and League One, as well as B-team players from the PL.

    Sounds good. I just worry that you'll be in and out of the prem - it's a tough season with very few, if any, easy games (leeds can get fucked). Hoping you stay up!

  9. On 5/4/2023 at 2:06 AM, auxien said:

    The definition of income needs to include capital gains, taxes on property acquired through loans where the collateral comes from above the billy, etc. etc. Luxury goods such as super yachts should have substantial taxes on them, vacant property taxes. Corporations with assets/gross revenue above a certain amount need to be taxed more heavily as well.

    Rent needs to be capped with strictly enforced regulations on maintenance and upkeep requirements. And there needs to be a limit on how much a house's value can appreciate in a year (something like 1% would be appropriate) - and I say this as a homeowner. Houses aren't investments - but we do have to respect that rental stock is necessary (some people move to places for a year or two due to work, life circumstances, etc.) and sometimes people will wish to sell their houses and purchase elsewhere for whatever number of reasons.


    • Like 2
  10. On 6/15/2023 at 5:26 AM, milkface said:

    This board isn't very active so I thought I'd create a general thread of everything related to the 2023/24 season in football around the world.

    To start, I'm so excited that Luton Town are finally back in the top flight of English football. I grew up in the area during the dark era and it's great to see a success story that's deserved and honest. I went to a home fixture against Middlesbrough in the season just past and the excitement around Kenilworth Road was palpable. The promotion will no doubt allow us to build the new stadium with no debt! They're due to break ground later in November and it should hopefully be finished by 2026 which is still a while away.

    Damn you guys are spending the PL money on a new stadium? Any transfers coming in?

  11. I echo the thoughts already in this thread - MIXL2 was a good guy and will be missed. His curiosity and honest approach to the world (at least to the world of music and this forum) was always joyous to read.

    Deepest sympathies and condolences to his family and friends.

    RIP MIXL2 - you're a straight G.

    • Like 7
  12. On 5/14/2023 at 11:02 PM, ooqpoo said:

    Haruki Murakame's Killing Commendatore. The people and locations in this book stuck with me from since a previous read through (where for some reason I got sidetracked and never finished it) In the three or so years since, certain situations or thoughts would conjure the pit & shrine, Tomohiko's mountain house or Menshiki's mansion up clear as a place I'd once visited in real life, so naturally I was immersed doubly this time round.

    Loved this guy's books since I was given Wind Up Bird Chronicle around 2010 and recently reread Kafka on the Shore aswell, which used to be my 2nd favorite after IQ84, but I reckon Commendatore has nudged it into 3rd place. 

    And recently found out his new novel, The City And Its Uncertain Walls, has been released in Japan! Wonder how long we'll have to wait for a translation.. 

    I finally picked up Kafka on the Shore. About a third of the way through and so so very enjoyable. 

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