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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. Another pair of earbuds broken - just sitting on the skytrain, and all of a sudden the left ear doesn't work. They must make the wires out of goddamned gelatin. I've never wrapped these around the device, never had them tangled in a knot and never stretched them unnaturally. And I don't have money to buy a new pair. Fuck.My.Life.

  2. Sometimes, I have trouble finding the exact porn that I'm picturing in my head right as I'm getting ready to hand out, which makes the whole day just seem depressing.



    I have a similar problem with using tags on porn streaming sites. "That's not a redhead, that's a fucking chestnut brunette you spastic."


    I feel your pain good sir. That's just inconsiderate and rude.

    I encountered a major crisis today at lunch - the oaf who prepared my lasagna had layered it with a Velouté sauce, where the recipe clearly called for a Béchamel. Can you imagine.

  3. wow that frank zappa jazz from hell sounds like the most forced wack ass "jazz" rock i've ever heard.


    maybe i'm just a zap-noob.



    And all the kids pointed and laughed: zap-noob zap-noob zap-noob.


    Naw but for real - listen to those melodies - sweet ass melodies and hectic riddims!!


    Plus it's fully IDM - all done on the Synclavier except the last piece.

  4. Eh is clichy a better defender than Bridge? He's miles better going forward for sure, but City is not lacking in that area lol.


    If Nasri's not happy at arsenal, we'll take him. lol

    Nah but I get what you're saying. But you guys ain't getting Neymar and Sanchez so...samba will be solid for your back four, but yeah hardly exciting.

  5. Are you seriously getting upset with my little jibe at media whores and their johns?

    I specified Ameri-centric because in the Anglophone world, Americans are the largest, but not exclusive consumers of Glenn Beck.

    The same goes for Alex Jones.


    Alexa.com info on prisonplanet.tv traffic


    There are 24,482 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than Prisonplanet.tv. Compared with the overall internet population, the site's audience tends to be users who are not college graduates; they are also disproportionately childless men browsing from home who have incomes between $30,000 and $100,000. The fraction of visits to the site referred by search engines is about 4%. About 27% of visits to Prisonplanet.tv consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces). We estimate that 81% of the site's visitors are in the US, where it has attained a traffic rank of 5,166.

    5,166 might not sound like much, but when you compare it to the number of sites out there (watmm is ranked 89,543 in the US for comparison


    Glenn Beck's numbers have been slipping - but he still commanded a hefty audience even toward the end of his tenure on television.




    At his peak though, he was drawing 3 million viewers a night, a not inconsiderable number among the people who consume media.


    This wasn't a jab at Americans in general, it was directed toward the media consuming masses.


    tl;dr - don't be so goddamned sensitive.




    p.s. I got my superiority complex on sale from Safeway. Try the frozen foods section.


  6. I like Jones and Smalling - they look to be the England partnership for a long time as well! I wish to christ we'd sign a decent central midfielder. Young doesn't really bring us anything we don't have already.


    27 million for Fabregas is insulting.


    Is sanchez that good? I haven't seen much, but he seems a bit of a prima donna....

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