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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. I am ecstatic not to have to read anything for a little while.

    One pretty interesting book that I just finished reading for some research was "The Company: A Short History of a Revolutionary Idea." by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge.

    It's not about the CIA by the way.


    Also just finished reading a book called "With Their Backs to the World" by Asne Seierstad. An interesting look at Serbians in the middle of the Balkan conflict of the 90s


    PLanned reading for Xmas break: 2 books on the history of Korea, re-reading "Guns, Germs and Steel" and something else for fun.


    Oh yeah, and Susan Sontag is a despicable cunt.


    let's say i'm listening to a the mollusk by ween. everything works fine, except the art for blue train by coltrane will be used instead. then if I go on to the next ween album (in alphabetical order, so it'd be the pod) in my library, the art for the next coltrane album (giant steps) will be used for that album. some songs in an album will display the correct art, but are only one-offs. note that even if I manually re-add the correct cover art, it still displays the wrong art. apparently LOADS of people have the same problem and the only way to fix it is to wipe your ipod. given it would take me many hours to resync all my songs, I'm reluctant to do this (also i'm sure I'll just have the same problem again)


    Make sure that for albums, the album artist is tagged correctly. Did you use the iTunes importer? I think the iTUnes importer kind of sucks, especially in how it handles album information.

    Unless of course you're talking about downloaded music, in which case who the fuck knows how that shit is tagged.

  3. AL Hounos would be bale to get you a connector cable for like 5 bucks. I loved the fact that in Korea, no matter where you went, somebody had a cable to charge your phone. I wish Canada could get its shit together like that.


    I have an iPod touch 1st generation 16GB. Never had any problems with it except once after a jailbrreak (I've had it jailbroken numerous times).

    I wouldn't mind trying out a cowon or an iRiver, but the Touch works really well with OS X.



    My ex brought me over a plate (cornish hen, stuffing, salad, rolls, cranberry, pumpkin & blackberry pie), AAAANNNNND smoked a blunt with me of 150$ a 1/4 ounce bud. I wasn't expecting that today, then out of the blue I got a call... wicked!


    I still can't believe how much Americans pay for weed. Fucking crazy! I thought you guys were on par with us, then I talked to a couple of my friends who live in Portland and holy shit.

  5. Thanksgiving is a excuse for americans to eat food, drink beer and watch football. The original point of the holiday was that it celebrated a supposed feast that the pilgrims had with some Indians, but I'm fairly certain that the pilgrims were too busy giving the Indians smallpox and stealing their food and land to care about eating with them. So thanksgiving is really a celebration of the systematic ethnic cleansing of an entire race. God bless america.


    Hey now...they got casinos out of the deal.

  6. While I agree that it is impossible to deny humans have polluted he shit out of the world, I'm still in the air about how much impact we have on the global climate. There have been many times in the history of the planet that it has been much warmer or much colder. To think that we are having a tremendous impact on the climate may be slightly egocentric. There are many more factors on the global climate and CO2 or other air "pollutants". The Earth was here long before humans and will be around long after... As far as the actual topic: doesn't this completely fly in the face of scientific method? Peer review is the critical step that keeps the scientific community on the level. If that disappears we will have just another source of unfounded "knowledge" being used to push collective agendas against us.


    All of what you say is true, but if you look at the famous "hockey-stick graph" there is a significant rise in temperature after the industrial revolution got swinging...

  7. Man my reading list is off the hook exciting!


    "The Growth of Regional Trading Blocs in the Global Economy"

    "Losing Control? Sovereignty in an Age of Globalization"

    "Corporation Nation - How Corporations are Taking Over Our Lives and What We Can Do About It"

    "Displacement, Asylum, Migration - Oxford Amnesty Lectures"

    "Controlling Immigration - A Global Perspective"

    "Blurred Boundaries: Migration, Ethnicity, Citizenship"


    this last one actually is quite interesting:

    "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down" - it's about the Hmong in America, and is a really interesting read.


    Plus numerous charts and papers from policy wonks to analyze. Good times good times...

  8. Today: 2 chapters from Nisa: Life and Words of a !Kung Woman

    1 chapter from Mirror For Humanity

    1 chapter from Ten Questions: A Sociological Perspective

    half a chapter from International Relations

    and this bloody article that's like 15 pages long titled Hyphenating the Hybrid: (re)visions of Racial Mixedness in fred Wah's Diamond Grill.


    An I'm posting on WATMM.


  9. well, if you want something hard enough, you'll go to some lengths to get it.


    and that was some fine work. mega lols all round.



    but its all for not, if there was a subforums you'd definitely have won your green card with that though.


    genius enough to have warranted the lol none the less.


    good stuff kaks.


    surely naught.

  10. making a functional bookshelf is a piece of piss.

    making something that your grandkids will want to have in their house might take some effort.

    just get a book, a hammer, some nails, a saw and some wood and start knocking some shit together.

    wood you can get for free, hammer nails and saw probably cost you 40 quid. oh you'll also need a tape measure. I'm sort of assuming youhave one of those already, every house has at least one.

  11. yeah it's actually extremely verbose and nonsensical, ultimately really boring. but i love the idea of it. it's a great conversation starter.


    It's verbose and boring because that's how North Korean propoganda is. And probably because they have lousy translators.

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