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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. After having watched the video. I must admit. I LOLed on more than one occasion.
  2. Pfft, not as awesome as the forum that Richard posts in.
  3. From kaini to you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4Ng1zHselU
  4. making a functional bookshelf is a piece of piss. making something that your grandkids will want to have in their house might take some effort. just get a book, a hammer, some nails, a saw and some wood and start knocking some shit together. wood you can get for free, hammer nails and saw probably cost you 40 quid. oh you'll also need a tape measure. I'm sort of assuming youhave one of those already, every house has at least one.
  5. Thanks for the recommendations here you guys. This is why I like WATMM more than places like pitchfork or wired or whatever music critic. Simple recommendations, no fucking around with metaphorical ramblings.
  6. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    It's verbose and boring because that's how North Korean propoganda is. And probably because they have lousy translators.
  7. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    The Japanese Experience Korean Impact on Japanese Culture - Japan's Hidden History Also that Kim Jong Il book is huge lols. But the dude is serious about his cinema...he kidnaps directors to make movies for him. Maybe we could get him to kidnap Uwe Boll or Michael Bay.
  8. Yeah special blends...much btter than NAStradoomus IMO...
  9. I don't even care if this has been posted before: [Verse One] Whattup kid? I know shit is rough doing your bid When the cops came you shoulda slid to my crib Fuck it black, no time for looking back it's done Plus congratulations you know you got a son I heard he looks like you, why don't your lady write you? Told her she should visit, that's when she got hyper Flippin, talk about he acts too rough He didn't listen he be riffin' while I'm telling him stuff I was like yeah, shorty don't care, she a snake too Fucking with the niggaz from that fake crew that hate you But yo, guess who got shot in the dome-piece? Jerome's niece, on her way home from Jones Beach - it's bugged Plus little Rob is selling drugs on the dime Hangin out with young thugs that all carry 9's at night time there's more trife than ever Whattup with Cormega, did you see 'em, are y'all together? If so then hold the fort down, represent to the fullest Say whassup to Herb, Ice and Bullet I left a half a hundred in your commissary You was my nigga when push came to shove One what? one love [Verse Two] Dear Born, you'll be out soon, stay strong Out in New York the same shit is goin on the crack-heads stalking, loud-mouths is talking hold, check out the story yesterday when I was walking the nigga you shot last year tried to appear like he hurtin somethin word to mother, I heard him frontin and he be pumping on your block your man gave him your glock and now they run together, what up son, whatever since I'm on the streets I'ma put it to a cease but I heard you blew a nigga with a ox for the phone piece Whylin on the Island, but now with Elmira better chill cause them niggaz will put that ass on fire Last time you wrote you said they tried you in the showers but maintain when you come home the corner's ours On the reels, all these crab niggaz know the deal When we start the revolution all they probably do is squeal But chill, see you on the next V-I I gave your mom dukes loot for kicks, plus sent you flicks Your brother's buck whylin' in four maine he wrote me he might beat his case, 'til he come home I play it low key so stay civilised, time flies though incarcerated your mind [dies] I hate it when your mum cries it kinda wants to make me murder, for real-a I've even got a mask and gloves to bust slugs for one love [Verse Three] Sometimes I sit back with a buddha sack mind's in another world thinking how can we exist through the facts written in school text books, bibles, et cetera Fuck a school lecture, the lies get me vexed-er So I be ghost from my projects I take my pen and pad for the week and hittin L's while I'm sleepin A two day stay, you may say I need the time alone to relax my dome, no phone, left the 9 at home You see the streets have me stressed somethin terrible Fuckin with the corners have a nigga up in Bellevue or h.d.m., hit with numbers from 8 to 10 a future in a maximum state pen is grim So I comes back home, nobody's out but shorty doo-wop Rollin two phillies together in the Bridge we called 'em oowops He said, "Nas, niggaz could be bustin' off the roof so I wear a bullet proof and pack a black tres-deuce" He inhaled so deep, shut his eyes like he was sleep Started coughing one eye peeked to watch me speak I sat back like the mack, my army suit was black We was chillin' on these bitches where he pumped his loose cracks I took an l when he passed it, this little bastard keeps me blasted he starts talkin mad shit I had to school him, told him don't let niggaz fool him cause when the pistol blow the ones that's murdered be the cool one Tough luck when niggaz are struck, families fucked up Could've cought your man, but didn't look when you bucked up Mistakes happen, so take heed never bust up at the crowd catch him solo, make the right man bleed Shorty's laugh was cold blooded as he spoke so foul Only twelve trying to tell me that he liked my style Then I rose, wiping the blunts ash from my clothes then froze only to blow the herb smoke through my nose and told my little man that i'm a go cyprose there's some jewels in the skull that he can sell if he chose words of wisdom from nas try to rise up above keep an eye out for jake shorty what one love
  10. lol what the fuck is up with that? two people in this thread have recommend that as a house album.
  11. DJ Harvey Keitel is Wearing a Wife Beater
  12. ODB: Ghostface Method Man Raekwon Sombody else do the rest of the clan....
  13. DJ Cornish Pasties (not the ones on strippers nipples, the ones you eat) DJ Obama Osama DJ Rin Tin Tin DJ SlapChop (alternatively DJ Slap'n'Chop) DJ Snakebite Black DJ That Runny Stuff At The End of Me Knob Is Just Smegma DJ Margaret Thatcher's Illegitimate Love Child DJ DJ
  14. Surely you mean DJ Jorts? Also what's wrong with DJ Pokey...I quite like that.
  15. The first record Dr. Octagonecologyst is fucking on point, untouchable really. The second one hardly counts as Dr.Octagon release. Kool Keith - Black Elvis almost as good. Dr. Dooom both albums are fucking solid, great shit. I gotta give it lsightly to Dr. Dooom but Blue Flowers and Girl Let Me Touch You There are probably my two favorite tracks...
  16. chenGOD


    Barn's burnt down-- now I can see the moon.
  17. chenGOD


    The board formatting fucked that....just link to this: If anyone liked house ofleaves, you'll love e.e. cummings... Also MF DOOM muthafuck yes. Tripping off the beat kinda, dripping off the meat grinder Heat niner, pimping, stripping, soft street minor China was a neat signer, trouble with the script digits Double dip/bubble lips, sorrow less midget Borderline schizoid, sort of fine tits tho Pour the wine hold the grind, quarter to nine, lets go Ever since ten eleven, glad she met a brethren Then his last style seven alligator, seven at the gates of heaven Knocking, no answer, slow dancer, hopeless romancer, dopest flow stanzas Yes, no Villain, Metal Face the death stroke Guest shows, still incredible in escrow Just say hoe, I will taste the yayo, Wild West style fest, y'all best to lay low Hey bro, Day Glo, set the bet, pay dough Before the cheddar get away, you best to get Maaco The worst haters God on perpetrated are favors Demonstrated in the perforated Rod Lavers ... In all quad flavors, large savers Still back in the game like Jack Lalanne think you know the name, don't rack your brain on a fast track to half insane Either in a slow beat or that of speed or wrath of Kane Laughter, pain Doom's songs lit, in the booth, with the best host Doing bong hits, on the roof, in the west coast He's at it again Mad at the pen Glad that we win a tad fat in a bad hat for men Grind the cinnamon, Manhattan warmongers You can find the Villain in satin congas The vans screeches The old man preaches About the gold sand beaches The cold hand reaches For the old tan ellesse's ... Jesus
  18. chenGOD


    T.S. Eliot - The Wasteland, The Hollow Men, The Love SOng of Alfred J. Prufrock, The Journey of the Magi, and Four Quartets e.e. cummings - he wrote a lot of poems (around 2,900 according to wikipedia) so just grab a collection and dig in. Ezra Pound - The Cantos will blow your mind William Blake - Songs of Innocence and of Experience, Milton and Visions of the Daughters of Albion (and then you should read his prophetic books)
  19. sezboogie

    1. acidphakist


      are we friends again?

  20. Hmmm interesting. It also works in OS X.
  21. tons of official Soviet documents were released from Stalin's era where both him and Mao wanted the DPRK on a permanent war economy basis...the Korean peninsula was meant to be a communist base within reach of Japan and nothing else...so to say it was only the Western world that encouraged the regime to grow is complete nonsense. a change in our policies would be completely ineffective at this point anyway, its a lose-lose situation. all of the resources we send to the country are relocated by Kim Jong-Il's cadre to the top .05% of the population as a reward for their loyalty, and anything they claim to do for the benefit of the North Korean public is a complete joke of mismanagement and corruption (such as the over fertilization of river soils in 2000-2002 which led to runoff destroying what little crops the village communities had) the removal or action against Kim Jong-Il would only result in a gigantic power vacuum which would almost definitely lead to an even more radical and corrupt military junta....china doesn't like the situation ( but its not about to send a task force against its ally and one of the largest standing armies in the world.) my point is, the situation would have been fucked either way you look at it.....if we had let the Koreans fight it out themselves, the North Koreans would have surely won and to assume it would have been a socialist paradise contradicts most of the sino-soviet diplomacy from 1940s-present. The only problem is...you have to go back a little bit further. Just a few years. Try 1948 (official date of split) or even actually 1945 (when the US and the Soviet UNion decided to say "hey, Korea doesn't matter, we can ignore the pre-japanese colonization boundaries and just split it in half.OK Comrade?") In actual fact you can go back to when the US turned its back on Korea in 1905 and allowed Japan to declare it under Japanese provisional rule (after signing an agreement with Korea that it would protect it).
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