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Everything posted by Entorwellian

  1. Holy fuck now *that* is criminal. Paid sick leave is the only one that seems even mildly acceptable in that list. What the fuck is up with L&I?
  2. flol i was being sarcastic and local authorities, if they actually cared, are too busy going through the +60,000,000 twitter and reddit pages of people advocating for far worse.
  3. Why comic sans!?!?!? WHYYYYYYYY!?!?!!?
  4. If you guys feel helpless, folding@home has simulated protein folding for covid-19 availble to help find treatments and cures. It uses your GPU to simulate protein folding, drug design and molecular stuff I don't understand. I never did folding before but apparently they have had big success with Alzheimer treatments stemming from the results, and about 8 papers published on other aspects related to health. https://foldingathome.org/ You can even make teams to tackle it in groups (watmm group, anyone?) Also here are some really good strategies on what you can do in the meantime to avoid getting sick as best as possible and being a good person: https://web.archive.org/web/20200315151539/https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dispatch-3-dr-shlain-reporting-from-front-lines-shlain-m-d-
  5. fuck is wrong with you mate? What your government, my government and the US government are doing is paramount to mass murder to protect the profits of the rich and keep the economy going. The mega-rich have fled already and the rich that stay behind have utter contempt for us. If the covid-19 can re-infect us again in a few months, all of this "herd immunity" will have been for nothing and the amount of deaths that will follow will be greater than all the lives lost in the Civil War, World War 1, World War 2, the Vietnam War, both Iraq wars and Afghanistan combined. All so that the financial numbers don't go down and fuck the poor.
  6. If he is young, he has a good chance of getting on a respirator if he stops breathing.
  7. Alternatively you can go to the financial district in your city and smear your boogers on the door handles of all of the expensive cars you see.
  8. ? rest up and keep checking for a fever. If you have that and shortness of breath, hospital asap.
  9. That sounds like a great idea. How about I come visit both of you instead?
  10. Good news: Work has let me have six weeks paid vacation starting mid-April because all my rantings and ravings caused management to think I'm paranoid to the point of bordering psychosis :V
  11. This is a literal boomer remover.
  12. South Korea, the only place testing everyone, just found out that 1/3 people aged 20-29 are asymptomatic, have the virus and are spreading it everywhere. All Western Countries are fucked.
  13. https://innovationorigins.com/dutch-researchers-find-corona-virus-antibody/ Breaking News!
  14. I work in a "critical care" situation where there is now next to no staffing and work doesn't have a covid policy. I'm worried that I'm going to be working 24 hour shifts. Like, I'd walk off and go on EI normally but now seeing everyone around me getting laid off and the recession-proof nature of where I work now I feel like its going to be going that way. Anyway if I get a fever I'll write a quick eulogy here then get on with drowning to death in mucous.
  15. I was just notified that two workers where I work have Covid-19 and we all share the same office space. ?
  16. Landlord is going through the building saying that he won't evict if we get sick and can't go to work under the current circumstances. Thank. Fuck.
  17. I went in to Superstore here and holy fuck I was frightened. The line ups were going half way into all the aisles and everyone was panic buying toilet paper and medicine. I got n95 masks for work but the normal medical ones are gone nearly everywhere. Also this guy, who has a lengthy criminal record, has been doing this: https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2020/03/12/were-hustlers-amid-coronavirus-fears-this-couple-has-made-more-than-100000-reselling-lysol-wipes.htm
  18. I'll bring some good news into the thread: It looks like Japan and Germany has discovered a drug that binds to the ACE2 receptor in your lungs to prevent drowning in your own sputum. https://www.forbes.com/sites/victoriaforster/2020/03/03/there-is-a-drug-already-used-in-japan-which-may-treat-covid-19-says-new-study/#e0d162341270 I think this is a more realistic treatment option than a fantasy vaccine.
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