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Richie Sombrero

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Everything posted by Richie Sombrero

  1. Stairs bit had me laughing for first time in recent memory. Not sure gf ever heard me actually laugh normally (maniacally) before.
  2. Probably. But it's better than everything.
  3. Lovely album. A few cunts already stuck clear version up for £60 on discogs but such is life.
  4. Read Reads like Michel Houellebecq. Approved.
  5. Caved and bought the vinyl even though I've the CD. Such a good album. I get a mid 00s minimal/Villalobos vibe from some of it too.
  6. I never jumped on the new shop stuff after being so in to the dump. Will habe to check what i missed.
  7. Would have liked the vinyl but can't justify it after buying the CD. L
  8. Hmm, he's actually pretty on the money here. I retract my cunt statement. Soz Maynard.
  9. I think the band is named after him. I do find this level of obnoxiousness quite amusing though. And Tool's music is obv good.
  10. Bought the rest, it's ok I stuck them on discogs though.
  11. Not really. He's never come across as anything than a complete arsehole back to their first album. Plus he was in the army. Turd of a man.
  12. Which forest? Gonna do this in Glenarm forest park after my exams.
  13. Drama student I went to uni with said he was propositioned by Spacey when he was a teen in London.
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