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Richie Sombrero

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Everything posted by Richie Sombrero

  1. Made a mix of faves from CHAOS 1-4. Listens appreciated! Original artwork kindly supplied by Dream Catalogue.
  2. He’s nothing like Lee Gamble. Listened to this again out walking today, it’s really well structured. Has a narrative feel to it.
  3. Good call about the garlic. I buy bases in Lidl cheap. They're not amazing but when you're adding good shit on top they're handy.
  4. Just cook it down longer. Sometimes I'll just roast a tray of tomatoes too then use them and freeze in bags. We grew tonnes this summer.
  5. Realized that freezing homemade pasta sauce makes much better pizza sauce than pasata. Pasata also tried to autocorrect to papaya so this must be a sign of new pizza fruit experimentation.
  6. Love it but mastering doesn’t feel quite as punchy or expansive as some others. At the same time my hearing is fucked.
  7. AF are the dons of spacin out releases enough so I don't get to buy multiples and pay shipping every time. Apart from once. I admire their hustle.
  8. Showed this the series to Consultant Geriatrician I know who specialises in Dementia, he loved the premise and the music so far.
  9. How different is the Field Day release on the store compared to the LP? Are those like 6 extra tracks or is it just split into more parts than the rip? Will be a while before I grab the SC dump tracks as I spent so long listening/mixing with them but it's a timely reminder to relisten to Surfing on Sine Waves which I've not done in a while.
  10. That's the joke, dimwit. The new Syro track is beautiful.
  11. I'm going to buy a track just to tell him how fucking shit his Primavera set was lolololol. Looking forward to digging into all of this once I have money.
  12. Same, said I'm still getting it. I'll donate in due course, but I did for Level 9 etc so colundi karmically I'm doing ok I hope. It's for sale now on the website for £100. http://colundi.net/artifacts.php
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