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Richie Sombrero

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Everything posted by Richie Sombrero

  1. I also went through a break-up 2 months ago and nearly had a breakdown. Can't listen to any songs with words so thanks Alex also!
  2. Best of playlist with 114 tracks. Literally 50% are fucking GOLD.
  3. On me soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/flynnad
  4. I've made a few mixes, not saying they're brilliant but would love a place for fan-made mixes to be accumulated too as that's how I think of the tracks as opposed to straight playlists.
  5. All of us who do the 10 loved tracks are getting limited vinyl pressings of 1 direct from Richard or so I heard. PLZ RICHARD
  6. https://bleep.com/release/61781-afx-orphaned-deejay-selek-2006-2008 YES.
  7. Thanks, sorry for soundclogging, will post in correct thread when I do another!
  8. Did a second mix from the dump, hope it's ok to post. https://soundcloud.com/flynnad/afxdmpmx2 Ibiza Spliffs Utopia Pretend Analogue Extmix 2b Cheetah 3 Teac Original Chaos Riff Pearls Pump The Shit CoolTempoDemo2 lannerlog subCan cottage4 af Random FX 7 slb [slo] nightmail
  9. This is lush, have the digital download, the vinyl has been pushed back until June due to mastering issues. http://editionsmego.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-maxxi
  10. Nightmail was a proto FATMAN SCOOP https://youtu.be/XiSA3Ll0NPA?t=2m3s
  11. First dump batch I've not really felt. I suppose it had to happen eventually!
  12. Just heard Syro in 24 wav for first time. Imagine if dump was upscaled to even 1/10 of that.
  13. Ibiza spliff. It's like one of those tacky dancetrippin.tv chill sessions but with good music.
  14. Cornish Spreek so good. This and Ibiza spliff are going to soundtrack my summer.
  15. ask him if his wife and Squarepusher's gf know each other as they are both Eastern European and why do Eastern europeans love IDM dudes. Definitely ask that.
  16. I love the language of this. I've only a basic understanding of gear but I find reading threads like this and the syrobonkers interviews very soothing for some reason.
  17. He was my Physiology teacher but prob not the same guy.
  18. Guardian piece on his Coachella gig. Nothing too interesting but a few snippets. http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/apr/10/metal-gear-solid-squarepusher-coachella#comment-50311110
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