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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. Silly fucking prick. No-ones laughing. Losing cheap deece european wines and cheeses and cured meats for some fuckin shit ozzie biscuit, get fucked you cretin
  2. I have been offered a £26k voluntary redundancy package. Would that be enough to secure this release?
  3. Thank you polytrix that really sounds like a nightmare. You're amazing and brave for sticking it out, you should be proud of yourself.
  4. Sumtimes it rly do be like that
  5. I just finished shenmue 3, which is the only Kickstarter project I've backed because I really loved the original 2 on the Dreamcast 20 years ago. It ended with "to be continued..." and a note saying yu suzuki hopes to be able to make shenmue 4..... I googled shenmue 4.....not confirmed...no news about it. Livid. What the fuck. Why didn't he just wrap it up if he wasn't sure he'd be able to do ANOTHER sequel. Cunt. Cunt cunt cunt. (absolutely loved it btw)
  6. I've run out of space on my current kallax but I don't want to buy another one because like you I'd really prefer something made of actual wood, sturdier and maybe not so utilitarian in design. Problem is I have no idea where to buy classy furniture, for a normal price. Auctions? I'd love to make something myself but don't have the space for woodworking...I made wooden side panels for the bath and even that drove my wife mental (happy with how it turned out though!)
  7. This car appeared in one of my neighbours parking spots, pure sex. I also want a new kitchen.
  8. Id forgotten about that, should give that another listen. Thanks!!
  9. Mid way through track 4. Wicked so far. So good to finally have a full length dgohn lp, thanx Mr fez
  10. How much longer do you think he's got? Shall we do a watmm sweepstake? Tenner says he'll be dead by the end of the week
  11. Earl Grey https://inperspectiverecords.bandcamp.com/album/inp022-headwinds-lp
  12. Same strain of flu did the rounds again end of 2017/beginning of 2018 rebranded as Aussie flu. I got it. It sucked. Bozza got the 'ronas
  13. This is exactly me. Moved the PS4 out of my office/mancave so she can use the desk while I play 8hrs of battlefield 1 a day in my pants in the lounge. I had a bath at 11am today, fuck it. All rules out the window.
  14. A decade ago I used to manage a pub (a fancy one). I noticed one chef was constantly playing with his balls. Had to literally shout at him to get him to wash his hands, which I did every time I caught him with his hands down his pants.
  15. Im treating this as a massive jolly now I don't have to go into the office, but feeling immensely bad for everyone it's gonna fuck over. Wondering how I can help peeps in the community
  16. That's me officially working from home for the foreseeable lads.
  17. Genuine sympathy, that sounds total shit. Btw I used to have a mate who was cruise ship crew, he said it was a massive fuckfest and the crew just bang eachother all the time. He was an extremely odd bloke though...was he telling the truth?
  18. Went to panic buy essentials at asda earlier today. Bedlam. Wife bought a bunch of candles and hollandaise sauce??? There was a guy shuffling around with an open bottle of white wine, vomit down his trackies and a fresh shit in his pants. Day one of delay phase... (this might be what shopping in Asda is always like, the ocado site and app have both been down since yesterday)
  19. Yeah these CDs are ultimately gonna end up in some poor beached whale's belly. Flahblub cancelled
  20. Yourself, to the convicted paedos on this site (large part of the watmm demographic)
  21. Are we setting up a gofundme or taking him to small claims court
  22. Me, I need to know whether to feel sympathy or utter contempt, watmm switches between the two at any given moment and I like don't being out of step with the IDM concensus.
  23. I do broadcast systems and infrastructure stuff, most weeks will have a day where I don't really need to do anything so I log on from home so skype shows as available, and then potter around doing DIY or play video games in my pants
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