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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. Who knows, other than pusher is clearly intending for it to sound this way if he's signing off on the masters. What is weird to me is we've got 2 albums back to back - first the marketing hype is "tom spent 15 years developing his own bespoke software so he can make these entire tracks in the box", second is "tom digs out his bewildering array of analogue and digital hardware that defined his sound in the 90s". What is even the point of making that distinction if functionally they sound exactly the same?
  2. This is what I mean, it sounds awful compared to pretty much any music I usually listen to, including vs older squarepusher. Difficult to define, and it's been discussed over and over with ufab and damogen, but it's just overwhelmingly fatiguing and unpleasant to listen to for me. I am really gutted, all the talk of returning to the old school and digging all his old kit out of the loft or whatever seems like pure marketing shite to me, it sounds IDENTICAL to the last two? Like tracks like the metallurgist or kwang bass could easily be on this album? ?
  3. Didn't really feel like any of the tracks really went anywhere. I don't know how I'm ever going to remember them. It's mixed like the last few albums (harsh noisy upper end, compressed to fuck, massive ducking). I'm happy other peeps are enjoying it though. Maybe I wanted to like it too much.
  4. To counter all this disgusting positivity I listened to the leak and im not really into it. Sorry. Feel free to delete my account.
  5. I actually think you're right. Specifically 1:15-1:18 in 54 cymru beatz
  6. Name something Mary Anne Hobbes isnt excited about
  7. Stupid useless old fuk.
  8. I don't understand. If it's on a megadrive cart why isn't megadrive music. I want to hear burial's FM tracks, with pcm samples of him dropping his lighter on the floor of his council flat
  9. A union that I'm not a member of, unbeknownst to me, negotiated a 10% pay rise for me. Also backdated so I get a few months backpay a week before Christmas. I found out on a day I hadn't bothered going to the office, not told anyone, just logged into Skype from home napped till about 11.30. I've done this job for a year now and I love it.
  10. What about all us die hard fanz that already have all his old albums from before he went Shit? (only joking, but also not. But am)
  11. I'm into it and would buy one, unfortunately it almost definitely won't fit in my parking space, probably won't be sold in the UK cos there's no market for pickup trucks, and I don't have a spare £30k+ Done with fossil fuel cars for sure though, recently sold my aging audi a3 and just using zipcar flex vw e-golfs if I can't be arsed to cycle somewhere
  12. Are we getting the archive tracks?
  13. I would like to see a ditch dug in parliament Square for de pfeffel to die in
  14. Lol. Gov now have to release all docs and communications on prorogation and no deal plans. There's gonna be a ton of juicy shit very soon. Think the aim is to prove de pfeffel misled the queen on his reason for suspending parliament. Full blown constitutional crisis incoming.
  15. I think is his Irish border plan is still the unspecified mystery technology solution that exists only in his head
  16. 'well done Boris for standing up for us commoners' Christ.
  17. My mp (justine greening) announced that she won't be standing at next GE, whenever that will be, and it's a marginalish seat. For the first time ever my vote might actually count
  18. Unlikely that De pfeffel's plan is going to work... massively pissing off the majority of the HOC before a completely inevitable confidence vote? Whether corbz chooses before or after the suspension is anyone's guess.
  19. The queens political power is purely theoretical, the moment she wields it would signal the end of the monarchy. The best she can do is wear a sassy hat or broach. Wish she did though. 2 birds 1 stone
  20. Can someone please clarify which Intelligent Dance Musicians we are allowed to publically slag off on this website please? Is flashbulb still ok?
  21. That's part of watmm culture though. Now who wants to discuss Machinedrum's latest ill advised shirt/moustache choices?
  22. Nice nice, great that he's back! I didn't buy any of the tapes but hopefully he'll make good on that front too. Looking forward to this
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