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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. Summer screen at somerset house is on while you're, if any of those take your fancy. https://www.somersethouse.org.uk/whats-on/film4-summer-screen
  2. I was talking about another extension specifically in a no confidence scenario. We have to trust Boris will ask for an extension in the interim period? This is why I was asking about unilateral extensions...it doesn't seems right that the clock would remain ticking while there's no-one in the UK behind the wheel
  3. Doesn't yet another brextension take care of all the time constraints though? From what I remember the EU were willing to grant much longer. Is there anything that says they can't unilaterally grant an extension if Johnson loses a confidence vote days before the deadline?
  4. Presumably the parliamentary maths make most speculation purely academic? He just doesn't have the mandate to do anything, and I'm not sure he could get away with sitting on his hands until we automatically crash out. Are there enough Tory MPs that would be OK with a no deal Brexit that Johnson could survive a confidence vote before that happens? I really don't think he'll last to the deadline. Maybe that's just wishful thinking
  5. Ubermensch = fat cunt? I've walked past him (on a canal towpath...), I'm just over 6 foot and he was significantly shorter than me, and obviously in terrible shape. Imposing physical build only when compared to that little Chinese boy he flattened playing rugby
  6. I saw Midsommar this week. Absolutely loved it.
  7. I can only see SoundCloud, psn, Xbox, steam and Nintendo in my profile bit, unless I'm looking in the wrong place. I only watmm on mobile. I have 247 utterly shit 80s pop 7" records I want to flog for 99p each, and one aphex field day lp for £600. Lol
  8. Every time this thread gets posted in I'm in here hoping for more Juicy IDM Goss. On my IDM Gossometer im currently ranking this above the time venetian snares revealed himself to be a massive homophobe on an online forum, but below the time mu-ziqs old wife ran off with another Intelligent Dance Musician and he did a weird album about it
  9. I was only joking, I've said on here many times that autechre are my own personal crown princes of idm. These tape tracks r fookin excellent though
  10. Wish Autechre had carried on making tunes like this, and not switched to making ones that sound like someone trying to fix a broken clock while having an MRI scan
  11. Giving it a listen now. This is fucking great. I just brought my hi fi set up into the 21st century with a £20 smart power strip and a Chromecast audio. This is getting the inaugural rinse. I can now shout at my 80s amp to turn on and play some 80s autechre and it just fucking does it. IDM IDM IDM af
  12. Thank u 'chre brothers
  13. Second result when googling 'Hagworthingham + Brexit' https://thelincolnite.co.uk/2019/04/lincolnshire-police-prepare-plans-for-brexit-fuelled-hate-crimes/ Everyone will be happy to know I'm fully moved in, it's lush, thank u farage and boris for the help and now let's cancel it. Which part, how posh? Putney. Gonna start wearing pink shorts and no socks and voting Tory. Been renting for the last decade round mile end, bow, stratford, hackney wick area. I thought I'd miss it but I don't, at all
  14. Everyone will be happy to know I'm fully moved in, it's lush, thank u farage and boris for the help and now let's cancel it.
  15. That's me 2 weeks in on citalopram. Never tried anything like this before. 1 week of nausea in the mornings and interrupted sleep but that's sort of gone away now. Its helping me immensely, I'm glad I tried it.
  16. I listened to a profile on raab on r4 a while back, when he became brexit secretary. Allegedly cunt's a hardcore martial artist, trains every day, could compete professionally according to his judo teacher or whoever they got on. Psychopath.
  17. I put on some trousers and biked to the march yesterday with a mate. Deece atmosphere, glad I went
  18. I'm interested, where do I watch?
  19. Yeah I agree, it's got so much worse, noticeably in the last few years. I have never and would never vote Tory. Corbyn's just not the right person, too much baggage and no proper mainstream appeal (anymore)
  20. Corbyn was saying the right kind of things early on but he's completely fucked it imo
  21. Extension to April 12th if May's deal doesn't win a third vote next week, which it won't. What's the fucking point in a 2 week extension
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