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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. I might. My previous plan for this weekend was just to sit about in my pants
  2. That would be juicy as fuck. I don't think any PM could in good conscience allow a no deal brexit, does she have the power to unilaterally revoke A50 though? If it has to go to votes where the choices are no deal or revoke A50 the latter will surely win, but it's gonna be a fucking circus in there. Worth watching live. At the very least this ordeal has truly exposed what a shower of incompetent bastards they all are.
  3. Yea which of my three small rooms shall we party in? One has an 'open plan' kitchen in it which is when they put a kitchen in your lounge and is obviously the height of luxury according to all estate agents
  4. Yesterday I exchanged contracts on a flat in a poshish part of London, for well over £100K less than what the vendor was originally asking for. I THINK the reason is Brexit, I don't think there are any other obvious factors, other than my prodigious negotiating skills of course. Completion date is 29th March lol. So I've either played a blinder or made a fucking stupid decision, the deciding factor will be whether we leave with no deal and it totally fucks the housing market. My thought is if that happens people just won't sell. Fingers crossed for Brextension and eventual Bremain
  5. But as we all know They Need Us More Than We Need Them
  6. What happens if they vote no to no deal today, and no to extending A50 tomorrow??
  7. I actually had to look up tina turner to make sure she was actually still alive. I didn't know she was Swiss. Wtf?
  8. "If you’re looking for what the Intelligent DanceMusic dudes categorized themselves against, it was this." Fuck off
  9. As long as everyone Pokémon Goes to the polls in 2020 it should be fine
  10. Fassbender was the only deece character so I propose a series where everyone is played by fassbender. There were already two of him on the last one. Just ramp it up
  11. His label is called nomark because he famously hates all people called Mark. Is this getting a physical release?
  12. New P2 / Xtra spicey Mikey mix tape to rip everyone :D
  13. I think that probably has something to do with the US being the only fucking country on earth (besides eritrea!) that tax expats on worldwide income. My friend happened to be born in the US while his (british) parents were working there 30+ years ago. He has never lived there, except for the first few weeks of his life. He recently had to pay thousands to renounce his US citizenship to prevent them coming after him for tax. Insane
  14. I've been watching a bike on ebay, failed to get a single bid on auctions starting at £250 twice now, I was waiting for him to relist it at a lower price so I could make him an offer...cunt just relisted it starting at £280. What the fuck. Cretin.
  15. Yeah, at first I thought it was some crude American frat boy analogy for doing whatever needed to be done, but as the anecdote goes on it becomes clear he means it literally... It's like me asking my 70yr old dad to suck off someone from the local council after being denied planning permission, instead of complaining to the ombudsman or the local MP or whatever the fuck. Mental
  16. Yeah it's normal for broadcasters to have obituaries packaged and rehearsed for old frail fucks, we've had one for prince philip for years. Although someone would probably get fired if it accidentally made its way to transmission
  17. That's the only bit of the doc I didn't really understand. No offense to any old gay men here but who really wants to get sucked off by an old gay man? Not even old gay men want that. I didn't understand how that could ever be an incentive to get anyone to do anything
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