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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. Distributed by Rubadub - usually carried by Juno, Bleep, Clone, and all the other usual suspects. PS I'm working on a way to have an EU "warehouse" so that we can ship out EU orders from there. I've found the guy, now it's just a matter of figuring out the logistics and how to make an online store that can accommodate different shipping rates/zones. Bandcamp certainly can't, so it's going to take some research.... PPS our shipping rates to Europe are actually pretty decent. I guess you don't order many records from the US - you'd likely be paying nearly double what we charge... Thank you :) your shipping is definitely reasonable and I'd love to support the artist and label by buying direct but honestly my budget is so tight atm.
  2. Chaos Theory was fucking excellent. Supermodified was my fave album for years, but Chaos Theory soundtrack is the one I still come back to all the time. There were extra bangers in the game that didn't make it onto the release The percussion from 5.25 in this one, fuccccc Anyway looking forward to the new one
  3. Do you know where euro peeps will be able to buy this, Juno etc? I've got all the other rx-101 releases but don't remember where I bought them lol. I don't think I paid for shipping from Canada though as I'm a huge cheapskate
  4. Do you get the vibe he's a lovely bloke though? I feel like he's his own brand of cunt
  5. Turns out getting a humourless scruffy dickensian type old man to lead a party doesn't attract younger voters after all, weird
  6. that really caps off the absurdity of it all I mean, TBH 20 something old college students will eat cold fast food, and they're likely not insulted so much as internally asking "lolwut" but I saw someone point out that past presidents - JFK, Ford, Reagan, etc. were known to hold hot dog lunches for guests. It's informal but still 1. American AF 2. involves cooked items and hot food. That would of been an easy out. Hot dogs. He couldn't even get his staffers to do that FFS. So which is it held as blackmail...pee tape, underage, or both? We should do a poll. Also 3. Doesn't involve McDonalds corporate branding and all the globally recognised connotations that go with it (unhealthy, lazy, cheap, nasty, catastrophic for environment etc) At least principal Skinner took the krusty burgers out of their branded packaging...
  7. What are everyone's predictions? Mine are: May resigns, one of the shitheels gets in (bozza?), mass riots, hard brexit, more riots, everything goes to shit, Corbyn gets in next election, everything somehow gets even more shit, no end to misery in sight, mass extinction event, all life on earth extinguished by 2040
  8. Huge lol at the silver platters and the lackeys lighting the candles.
  9. I think alan partridge was in on the hour, which was the radio 4 thing which came before day today. It's basically the same thing, and funny as fuck
  10. I only know about the stuff on green bay wax, of which there's not that much.
  11. It's pretty crazy isn't it. There's a cunt knocking around in 2018 making exact early 90s golden age jungle tekno UK hardcore shit, perfectly authentic, and absolutely loads of it as well, and then just sticking it on YouTube for a few hundred views? Feels like I've got someone making my perfect kind of music, just for me. I love him
  12. I've ripped most of phineus ii / Xtra Spicey Mikey's trax off of YouTube so I can listen out and about. They are so so good. Already got all the stuff he's put out on wax. I would happily pay for anything he'd stick on bandcamp but he seems to prefer just putting it on YT. Such a legend I've probably had most mileage out of this one
  13. I thought you were off clubbing to an ultra trendy techno London shindig? Maybe it's Amen Warrior.... Definitely not me. You'd have to point a farmers gun at me to get me out on NYE nowadays. Even my local becomes populated with an abnormal level of absolute cunts, who will be guaranteed to get on my nerves. Best I stay away in the cupboard under the stairs (so I can't hear the fireworks) with my laptop and a few bottles of red wine on watmm. Maybe I finally need to get a wife? Like all my other friends. I reckon that would send me even further round the bend hahah, and I don't need to go any further. This part of the bend is perfectly manageable thank you very much. I think I need my first beer of the day. See ya a bit later. I am at my in-laws house checking watmm while they all scream abba songs at the top of their voice. I've become the idm party loner meme. I wish I was at home listening to autechre. Techno interests me
  14. Lazy people that sit around doing fuck all don't tend to vote
  15. It's more that parliament is on recess now so the news has gotta scramble around for other stuff to talk about for the next two weeks
  16. Cylob confirmed as brexit voting idiot cunt
  17. I’ll agree with that. Left needs honest integrity and not rose tinted specs on devastating blows to humanity. I’ll also chime in on the whole private school thing. Yes it’s the height of hypocrisy to be on the left and sending your kid to one. Chakrabarty also did. Corbyn split with his wife cause she wanted to send their kid to a grammar school. Politics divorce trivia. I didn't know chakrabarti also did it. That's a shame. The whole anti-Semitism inquiry immediately followed by peerage and shadow cabinet role was also very weird/ obviously suspect. Maybe she's not that great...
  18. I saw Diane Abbott speak at some event a few years ago, she was an incredibly patronising speaker and got in a huff when she was repeatedly asked by audience members why she sent her kid(s?) to private school. Shami chakrabarti spoke at the same event and was really great, she was director of liberty at the time but now also in the shadow cabinet
  19. ^the only way farage is fucking off is if brexit actually happens. The one sole reason for leaving. A brexisnt guarantees we'll be hearing his drivel for the rest of his life, which will hopefully be short given all the beer, fags and light aircraft crashes
  20. All my work (releasing critical studio updates for a certain british broadcaster) keeps getting postponed as they don't want to break anything while all this juicy news is flying around. If Mrs May can sustain the clusterfuck for 4 more days Im home free till 2019
  21. Blates not gonna happen, but I want the uncertainty to continue for just a bit longer, till I exchange on a flat that I'm in the process of buying, cos it's way under the asking price, cos way less people are buying, cos of uncertainty caused by this total shambles
  22. I don't understand. Because she has a set of tits?
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