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Amen Warrior

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Everything posted by Amen Warrior

  1. There was an article on radio 4 this morning citing Russian social media meddling as (one of) the causes behind this stupid anti vaccination movement
  2. Because the EPA were the ones putting the gay chemicals in the water, under direct orders from Barack Hussein Obummer
  3. such a douchebag but it's not a specifically american phenomenon Kind of is though, that specific kind of un self aware loud mouthed belligerence. Hence the comments from belgians in the vid
  4. Oh right, thanks! Yeah I don't really care either, I just had no idea that car batteries were even called bandoliers. And still don't really get the significance of loads of them being duff, other than highlighting manufacturing issues
  5. This is new stuff to me. Haven't listened to the other tracks yet but the track at 27min is really great, thanks for the tip! To me it sounds very Braindance, like Vulva or Ovuca. Maybe this album (available on Spotify btw) might help me remain master of my domain...Its mark pritchard, teenage friend of aphex twin, releasing an album on warp records..... Haha yeah I bet I'm the last person on this forum to hear this. I don't keep up with Warp releases in any way. This forum and Spotify's Discover Weekly playlist is basically the only place where I discover new music. :) Soz I didn't mean to come across as a dick, and it's not immediately obvious who the alias belongs to https://youtu.be/NXDCiur_rM0
  6. This is new stuff to me. Haven't listened to the other tracks yet but the track at 27min is really great, thanks for the tip! To me it sounds very Braindance, like Vulva or Ovuca. Maybe this album (available on Spotify btw) might help me remain master of my domain... Its mark pritchard, teenage friend of aphex twin, releasing an album on warp records.....
  7. Hurr durr let's complain about the minutiae of reverb trails and make vaguely racialist statements about african tribe music ;)
  8. African Rave ep :facepalm: I've never been so embarrassed to be part of this online autist community as I am right now
  9. What if a meteorite hits or the nukes go off? Civilisation is like 3 days of hunger from total collapse, u won't have time to listen to the new aphex if you're fighting to the death over the last bottle of clean water in the beverage aisle at tesco
  10. For the record I'm glad I didn't wait for a whole month like some disgusting flagellant monk hermit. It's 2018, I demand instant gratification at all times no matter the cost to my soul
  11. Can anyone id the break in the second half of this track? It's the same one as in Astronaut by luke vibert (plug). I've been hunting for it ever since I heard the vibert track. Noice rimshot
  12. 1) he accidentally stored all the completed tapes next to his collection of decorative magnets 2) he spilled a tub of primer over all his synths while redecorating so couldn't tell the black keys from the white keys anymore
  13. When is someone gonna post the IDM goss so we can all post our Michael Jackson eating popcorn gifs
  14. I am fucking obsessed with battlefield one, something about has really clicked for me and I just can't get enough of it, I've barely played anything else in 2 years. I've never played an online game that is even close to looking and sounding this good, and playing so well. Gutted that it's likely coming to the end of its life now the next one is just round the corner :(
  15. ...and think outside the box.let's touch base in the morning I'll go ahead and schedule a Slack meeting so we can put our heads together and think outside of the box. I'll CC you both into the Outlook invite. Key stakeholders need this by close of play today
  16. I really feel like I'm missing something with the Ltd edition...What's the point of it? I was just gonna pick this up when it hits phonica but you guyz are making me question whether I should spend £7 extra for an extra sleeve which doesn't look as good as the normal one
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