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Everything posted by fenton

  1. Ex Machina: It took me ages to work out why Charlie Brooker and etc are using the Facebook and Google notification noises in their sound design. It's because their Existential Crisis trips are trying to make our Illuminati Confirmations that much more poignant. But that's why I'm drunk.
  2. Noah - Hello m8, I saw the birds and snakes get on but literally you missed a fuck load of a other fuckers and then you let your brother not take her sexy new friend on so he told you to fuck off I'M PRETTY SURE EVERYONE (on the ark) IS A DICKHEAD.
  3. 23 (1998) - 8/10 Brilliant German hacker conspiracy theory illuminati confirmed dank Starry Eyes - 7/10 Not so bad meta horror about fucking actors fucking holloywood fucking you no what i mean. Jupiter Ascending 1/10 - Lol wtftbh why and what and no explanation at all for wtf why are these things happening must be the reptilian overlord space gangster English actor people who made everything so stupid wtf lol.
  4. motion for peace7 > president of united states of the fucking world
  5. Vin Diesel and Keenu are the same overacted performers, well, maybe Keeny a bit less so. "High brow arty cinema" reviews just that, they generally try to keep it the most naturalistic way possible, even if it means more silence than real life. Complete bollocks. I live in real life and no-one acts like they're in a Lars von Trier casting. Seriously I don't know where reviewers live but I have never seen someone play this overblown overdone unrealistic shit, real life acting is underwhelming and anti-climatic don't try and tell me any different.
  6. I often think when seeing people review acting - "but that's how people are in real life' - because in reality people don't act the fuck out of stuff like in theatre or high brow arty cinema [although everyone knows drama queens and epic bi polar weirdoes who find everything so fucking dramatic, most people behave like vin diesel or Keanu Reeves. tl;dr shit actors are better
  7. BBQ sauce can fuck off I disown mates if they slather that stuff on near me.
  8. That's a good start but some corporate espionage would be better if you could just log into the mainframe and download all the classified files while running a script that replaces all instances of 'magnum' with 'marmite' then replace the unilever logo with a skull and crossbones more instructions later I know you can do this.
  9. Unilever do a whole lot of [in]famous do you get free marmite or what.
  10. I watched Lost Highway. soundtrack 234/10 sexy lady 27393022/10 scray man 113/10 Lost Highway 10/10
  11. Brothers and sisters: there is a place for you in America.
  12. So what I gleaned from watching it for the first time last night is that lynch is saying that hollywood is run by old people with no creative ideas but complete power and that even the young new blood that turn up will have been spiked with massive doses of LSD by undercover hollywood mafia posing as gentle old folk on all inbound planes. Pretty much anyone under the age of 50 is either coming down or still tripping and have no idea they are all but puppets in an obscene romp for those with no genitals left to rub.
  13. I can't be dealing with watching the pilot till the rest drops. Just finished an AU show called The Code which is about an autistic and very funny hacker accidentally fucking up shit hard. Worth a watch and only 6 episodes.
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