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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. BAHAHAHAHAHA https://consequenceofsound.net/2017/04/whoa-kendrick-lamar-miiiiiight-be-hip-hops-radiohead/
  2. thought i would hate this but im pleasantly surprised.
  3. Never let the enemy will see the chink that one bit on wonder showzen was the source for the band name das racist
  4. What is it with Bills being rapey. Cosby, O'Reilly, Clinton.. yeah bill casey affleck, bill woody allen, bill analogue wings
  5. yes, it;s actually fish and it is really fucking good and relatively sustainably caught. the beef is an abortion
  6. goddamn folks. got both of the vinyl comps in the mail. good lord do they sound great. this is just phenomenal electronic music up and down. aleksi has stated his case as up there with the greats.
  7. well he was recently acquitted of one of those murders, guess he had an obligation to keep the tally at 2
  8. Injury list: HERNANDEZ ( neck ) - out indefinitely
  9. yes from a few years ago that I just found on my phone lol
  10. wow i have no memory of writing that must have been fucking trashed lol dang anyway let's be friends not enemies
  11. me too it's the only thing from McDonalds that I eat
  12. when everyone hates fillet o fish and ur a hipster
  13. I'll try again I guess: do you have any thoughts, inclinations, theories about actress and his music? What's his goal or "thesis" of his tracks and albums, including this one. It's obvious from his interviews that he's clearly considering the conceptual thrust of his music. I can't quite figure out what he's getting at- and at this point I'm beginning to think there's a certain amount of intellectual obfuscating to hide boring music, but given the positive response of people here I'm curious what other people think. so are you going to share your opinions on music on a music opinion forum or are you going to say "people have music opinions" on a music opinion forum, I mean dang dude
  14. congratulations, you have discovered that music is subjective well it's just great music, nothing more to say. these responses are completely worthless. I'm not asking to be told that music "is good" or that "it's subjective." the latter is especially egregious and infantile considering I actually *asked* to hear your goddamn subjective opinion of this music. If you re-read my post I'm interested in your thoughts about the nature of actress's music, what it does to you, what you think about when you listen to it, why you think it's successful, what he is doing with his music that other's aren't. I am 100% not interested in hearing that people everywhere have differing responses to music. please try harder to have actual thoughts, thanks.
  15. i've now done two listens. emperor's new clothes..... again. no actual *there* there, just frustrating attempts that go nowhere. will give it one last listen before just fucking giving up - forever. I cannot wrap my head around why people on this board think this music is not just listenable but in fact *exceptional* I'm actually very curious if someone or many people could explain to me exactly what actress is doing, why it's interesting, why it's unique etc etc because I can't come up with anything other than the critique-proof old chestnut of "it's experimental/ atmospheric"
  16. uuuhh no not at all lol but nice try
  17. nervous because pimp a butterfly was even better than everyone thought. how could this live up... will listen soon
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