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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. hey mods can you close this thread
  2. I did it. Took me about 3 hours. Thank you cum town for getting me through this
  3. murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph murph
  4. we need a colundi completionist thread im losing track. i just have all the numbers... cept 9 of course
  5. George Lucas had a neck? George Lucas and Axl Rose are reminders that we must not rest on our laurels, unless we want to become gross and look at pictures of our past selves and think, "Hey, I actually used to look like I didn't only eat Doritos..." Health is wealth, people. N E V E R F O R G E T Slight diversion but have you guys seen that ad for that shit you inject into your fat neck waddle to make it disappear???? Wtf is that about it sounds awesome
  6. probably gonna spend about 3 hours trying to win that fucking chocobo race in ffx to unlock tidus' stupid legendary weapon while binging on cum town episodes.
  7. you already posted this but no, it's actually a really fun game. Well then get ready for me to post it again in 2 months
  8. thumper was by far the biggest disappointment last year. What a piece of shit game that doesn't even test musical rhythm like it purported to do. Billed itself as "cool, alien, industrial amplitude" and instead it was about 1000x less fun that the new amplitude, even considering how bad harmonix fucked up the music
  9. Mala His name is Max Rebo: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Max_Rebo dude
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