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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. they're going to kill him because it's called the last jedi? i don't follow anyway it's rey
  3. rams probably my fav movie of 2016 (everything was shit) two elderly icelandic brothers haven't spoken for 40 years even tho they own neighboring sheep farms. their sheep get sick... heartwarming hijinks ensue. had a dark but moving end. iceland is funny
  4. this sucked. winona was unwatchable. show wasnt funny or scary or anything. like hearing a trombone play long tones for 8 hours. but in the 80s
  5. best indy movie is spaghett and the quest for the golden treasure
  6. got to see mononoke [subs] at the local cineplex for its 20th anniversary. wow what a treat. an epic film that ticks all the boxes. probably the "best" miyazaki although spirited away has more kooky visual charm. totoro is most special to me but this one is so beautiful and rich. i could die happy if i managed to make something as powerful as this- once... but miyazaki-san has done that probably a dozen times. what a man. edit: the dubbed version is also really good im remembering. john di maggio as the body guard is great. just seems like bender.
  7. would be funny if he didn't do it wacky
  8. wait people who havent seen venture bros need to stop what theyre doing and do that now
  9. la la land - I watched singing in the rain a couple days ago (a day before debbie reynolds died dang) and I guess was in the mood for whatever this was. pleasantly surprised. there's life in me yet when it's schlocky musicals that are well shot and costumed. "that's entertainment" type shit but done not in a "look at the nostalgia" way that is so hot right now. gosling continues to troll audiences and the entire film business by appearing as gosling in every fucking movie but he clearly tried with the piano and the singing and the dancing. A for effort gosling, you beautiful idiot. emma stone carries the film entirely with her weird but attractive face. some clever set pieces in this one that keep it from dragging too much but like all films in the last 5 years it goes on 20 min too long. john legend in mustard turtleneck / 10
  10. 512521 is a great great track shame datach'i doesn't have the "name" that would get this more coverage
  11. So what. I don't care about that at all. Norms political views are completely different than mine but he's still the funniest fucker around and seldom brings any sort of political shit into his comedy. I don't care about sams politcal views it's his attitude and how he's using them - which is in a really shitty way
  12. Just don't buy it fam no chance...missing any of his releases sends me loopy What is the most you've paid for one of his releases? If you don't mind the question that is, no need for an exact figure. £30 Bradley Strider £30 Gak £30 Powerpill £27 Syro (japan import) £20 CCAI (japan import) £23 O.D.S (japan import) £23 Cheetah (japan import) £18 Windowlicker (japan import) £15 Quoth (hidden mix version) There is more but the most i have paid for any release is Chewed Corners with the bonus tracks and Rediffusion disc = £46 i payed $80 for a mint philosophy of sound and machine. good cd
  13. dr lopez


    its honestly p depressing that they didn't just make another "beat" album. but oversteps is cool so n worries
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