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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. this isn't one to sleep on - it's pretty blinding honestly
  2. brett gelman is really annoying and has completely destroyed any chance of sam being in the wrong. that said, I hold nothing against Tim at all, who twelve or so years ago was in the exact same position sam is in now and while you could say he "played the game" and moved to hollywood etc, he's an extremely talented hardworking guy who has made some excellent influential comedy. Sam acted really petulantly, an injured puppy when his show was cancelled. why am i typing these smarted people have said the same thing in this thread
  3. it would just suck so bad if you went there and they were "out of stock sorry"
  4. i will drive to ypsilanti once in the next 6 months - looking forward to it
  5. liked atlanta a lot. i find him kind of annoying as a person but he has talent (not at rapping)
  6. dang. wtf is going on. this is headed no where good. i mean the world. not alternative comedy. alternative comedy is part of the world so that too.
  7. are we talking about bruce springsteen? because obviously not
  8. [vimeo]194837357[/vimeo] [vimeo]194837455[/vimeo] lol dat clipper kick after several beers
  9. and also they still have a few copies of the CD tour ep left for u real nerdz.. alcoooooo
  10. there's one that goes A NUCLEAR BOM A NUCLEAR BOM A NUCLEAR BOM hope that helps. A NEW... listentodisonelistentodisonelistentodisonelistentodisonelistentodisonelistentodisonelistentodisonelistentodisonelistentodisone, swun, swun, swun.... nuclear bomb a nuclear bomb a new world russia america and england
  11. omg just got new speakers gonna have to try stereophrenic on em
  12. yeah the PFFR crew have been doing much more "offensive" stuff on tv for a decade.. it's funnier than world peace too. (although I greatly enjoyed WP) makes me think that the cancellation stuff is much more about how public sam and co are about being edgelords themselves and not so much comedians who make their show and then back off and let the work speak for itself. A fine line when you say "but its just comedy" but I think the line has been crossed. not that amusing anymore i guess. the 15 yr old alt right reddit shit is extremely tiresome and when those people are your biggest fans...
  13. how is kirk douglass still alive
  14. Yeah the bar is set so incredibly low these days that anything that is competently put together gets "rave" reviews
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