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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. i remember thinking zodiac was alright. wasn't bothered but it didn't change my life. funniest part was when norm son-of-a-gunderson was the killer. lol
  2. trying to 'secure his legacy', if you can't do it in real, do it with a movie. lol actually the exact opposite
  3. hmm well this album is actually really good in a dumb way. music for music nerds to nerd out over. the "steely dan" song is still unacceptable
  4. precisely the reason? memes are the only factor in all this, are they? i'll enjoy stuff from both 'sides' if it's funny / dank enough. i'm sure many people are the same and you'd be taking that away from us just cus it's not to your taste? laaame. i don't think we should be playing the dank police, at least not at this stage. this thread has worked pretty well so far without that attitude imo. /overdoing it/ on the political stuff is understandable, but i don't think we're anywhere near that level, and consider the current climate...memes are very zeitgeist-y. no this kind of meme internet shit for politicians normalizes "delete your account" and all the fucking pepe garbage and trumps twitter and look where we are now. not about "sides" just about keeping POLITICS OUT OF MY MEMES. im a meme libertarian lol someone please murder me
  5. sorry political maymays no bueno precisely the reason we are where we are
  6. snl is so bad, it always has been, and everyone who has ever been associated with it in any way apart from lorne admits this publicly and often.
  7. i saw a guy do that once when i was in the ride
  8. hahaha yeah that was so bad. who care if brett gelman quits he's not v funny or important
  9. dr lopez


    why is squarepusher in this thread
  10. just because they take down their shield of hurr durr irony we have to hate them? i'm like 50 50 on this issue
  11. reviews should be more fun to read that seeing the movie, thats what i believe
  12. ive never listened to any leonard cohen but he seemed cool but liked by a lot of shitty people
  13. .... so i just placed a massive order for some serious speakers. klipsch la scala / cornwall hybrid clones. they are gonna rule so fuckin hard. i have decided that kalpol introl from this repress will be the inaugural performance of these bad boys in a few weeks. yippee
  14. does anyone have theirs yet?
  15. having interesting things to say about movies has nothing to do with taking free classes online about psychoanalysis. i think that's why we want u to shut up
  16. i am very excited for these
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