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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. layer cake - i thought this was sexy beast but i mixed up my early 2000s british crime thrillers. oh well. this was pretty bad.
  2. 10 years of genius... 20 of mediocrity is it even worth it?
  3. you wouldn't steal a ham lol that ad was hilarious
  4. but did the slugs mind?? uh huhhhh
  5. my memories of first listening to this are important to me - I was a #youth as well, probably about 13, and was listening to loads of bowie and ramones and *just* beginning my life with kraftwerk. I went and visited my uncle in another country. he was (still is) a really cool DJ / designer and gave me a clear blue plastic cassette that he had recorded a bunch of orb tracks on it for me. Little fluffy clouds, earth gaia and blue room on one side and I was hooked. the coolest shit I had ever heard. Then I flipped the tape and side b started with plateau. hot damn. so incredible. I moved my family's hifi tape deck next to my bed just so I could fall asleep to plateau. felt like some camel ride through a future city. or something. Then i stole the CD from my local radio station that I was working at lol. I NEEDED IT
  6. when i mess up at work (most everyday) i usually begin to say "look i said i'm sorry i made a mistake, i committed a sin. djfasdflkasdfjashdfkdfasdfasdfMEA CULPA"
  7. I'm looking on discogs, and I'm seeing a 15 minute version and a 17 minute version(weirdly enough, my US copy is the longer one, and the UK version is shorter). Also the "expanded and remastered" 2 disc version on Spotify seems to have the shorter version! So strange... yes for some reason (probably licensing) any version released after the original has lots of the children's story cut out. shame because it is hilarious. it is not *essential* however and I can assure that the 15 min version is entirely adequate :)
  8. sicario -- good apart from the plot setup. why do they need a rando pathetic local FBI narcotic agent? oh wait they are rejecting her better half? but for some reason he's in the rest of the movie? ok... well there's a hilarious deus ex halfway through. cool so the CIA needs a domestic "unit" to make all this legal? ok w/e. fine. Am I the only one who just didn't care about the "BUT IT'S WRONG" angle of this movie? Which I suppose is Blunt's motivation? I have no problems immediately accepting that the US government does completely unacceptable things to "fight" the drug war and other insane issues. In that sense it felt like a film made by a canadian.. which it was ultimately. I dont care I just want to see the US waste some bad hombres. Still... benny del turnover does a great job at looking at things off camera and of course roger deakins is the best in the business by so many country miles it's almost upsetting at this point. edit: 7 bad hombres out of 10 huevos rancheros
  9. deadwood is by and large great. some weak actors but ian mcshane and keith carradine make up for it plenty. also the chinaman.
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