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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. oh the crash movie one was the funniest then
  2. explain to me the deformed guy meme last one
  3. god this is soooo lame i just listened to it
  4. i had the al roker burger at shake shack yesterday. fuck me it was great
  5. yeah the cinci zoo peeps are massive cunts
  6. nothing will ever ever ever come close to xavier. Pffr touched God with that one
  7. motion to ban you two bellends from this subforum
  8. that is not dank and that is not a meme
  9. Samurai Math Beats is the one that got me and my mates into his stuff. MyLoveILove for chill, Renegade for destroying. Which reminds me, I hope I'll see him live again, had the best time at his liveshows :) agree with all of this. track 5 on renegade is such a fuckin banger. Boku Mo Wakaran should not be ignored however. someone said once that bogdan did to dnb what oizo did to house - this rough and ready bedroom shit that still just kicks. I agree but Boggy is so so much more. Sensitive, emotional, goofy, badass in all ways.
  10. the ones by "karl"? forbes dancin machine and squirrel poo rule
  11. i wonder if this sounds different than my CDs. almost worth the $7.
  12. I just think Sam (and nick) are best reacting to situations thrown at them, improvising on their feet. They really have skill there. When it's written and pre prepared, esp by them they seem a little nervous to break from that and just let it flow which gives it this awkward and unfunny vibe. Haven't read thread I'm sure everyone has already said this
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