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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. well b4 all that... how about a SAW II repress from warp. i mean for crying out loud we had RDJ and ICBYD
  2. Versace tamagotchi is worth following on insta gram
  3. he's right tho sorry to all aussies but fury road was shite. i'd rather watch warrior of the lost world with joel and the bots than sit through fury road again and all the ladies in diaphonous virginal white blevchchhchchchhhh
  4. fuck. i want that and i'm really pissed i missed out on that. I have all the colundi (save the wire recording lol)
  5. love uuuuu mr let's reexamine israel's foreign policy
  6. this thread has done a real turn around. impressed.
  7. potato buns potatoe rolls i mean i dont care im srivi
  8. Kinda wish they had brule'd the names Johnny kroltrin etc
  9. something about jimmies really not being rustled
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