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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. I agree tho. sad Rodriguez has struggled with injuries- good squad player that steps up his game around other good guys
  2. Best part of the wire was nick sobotka's gfs rack. What a pair
  3. There is some fucking horrible acting in the wire. So bad. And it's not from the Baltimore locals either. I could never get over the idea that a hardboiled beat journalist like David Simon understood the nuances of a black lesbian relationship... Like obviously not. Lance riddick is fucking horrific- "I'm just trying to do my damn job" level shit. Pathetic. Generally I think the show is massively overrated - waaaaaay too many writing tropes shoved in from "screen writing 101" and nothing even approaching dr melfis rape episode from sopranos. That one comes out of the blue and just hits you and manages to not seem cloying or heavy handed
  4. had bareburger last nice. was fucking deece as fuck
  5. I had to run to 5 guys after that pic
  6. dr lopez


    he must be reworking it like sean said he would
  7. never heard any coil before looking to start i've an average to large atheltic build and curly brown hair. love a good joke and if i'm in the mood some industrial electronic music. hope i can find a friend out there
  8. dr lopez


    anyway this is cool and i like it better than the new stuff but oversteps is still good welp c ya
  9. horribly upsetting. i hope boomtssphace is ok. as i recall he was gay, from orlando and clubbed. hes a cool dude
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