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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. dr lopez

    elseq 1-5

    seriously guys the second half of journey's dont stop believing is really uplifting
  2. props to target. oh... i meant for the marimekko deal. lol whoops. i mean for the bathrorom thing. lol target is like walmart for liberals.love it
  3. dr lopez

    elseq 1-5

    i'm listening to don't stop believing by journey
  4. wtf is wrong with hairy bushes?? dang sounds like ur in middle school
  5. first one sucked but the second was somewhat redeeming i used to have a porpoise. we should just have a ytmnd thread
  6. what about bringing the old gaurd back like milan jovanovic, jay shithouse spearing, and joe "better than messi" cole?
  7. well then i wish batman comics were as campy and gay as the schumacher movies
  8. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cybertwee/cybertwee-hq-a-virtual-space-for-cute-tech?ref=discover_potd *kills self*
  9. Batman and robin is my favorite batman movie because everything is cheesy, candy-colored, gay and on fire all at the same time. Fuck gritty realism. I don't think Nolan has ever read a comic book because Schumacher gets a whole lot closer
  10. holy shit that was sooooo dank lmao
  11. god i want to live in rhode island so bad. it's like CT but with actual grit. DA BUCKETTT... bob do u actually think hil-dog is gonna win??? cruz sucks but dang i'm still really nervous
  12. im guessing you also dont watch any tv, films or read fiction for more than 3 hours a week aswell then? no it cuts into my watmm time
  13. how do you guys have any time to play video games. i can muster about 3 hours a week but then i just feel like i'm wasting my time and should be doing more productive things with my time
  14. erotic city let's pretend we're married dirty mind when we're dancing close and slow is a great slow dance jam (for obvious reasons given the title) 2nd half of hot thing there's a bunch of other good ones too
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