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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. easily the best thread on watmm next to AAA. whenever i see there is an unread post in this thread i am a happy chapbut like.... wrong mspaint thread... Weed tits... I will kick the flashbulbs ass into the next dimension ... Etc I could go on and on
  2. zaha was a shit architect but an amazing painter. real electronic music architecture is lebbeus woods and thom mayne / morphosis plus everyone knows all zahas work was all done by patrik schumacher. ANYWAY RIP
  4. ahem* alco baby I thought we had something speshul no worries mate. you and i are sweet lovers. limpy is shite lol
  5. cool it's awesome stealing from a cool indie developer that had to kickstart to get this game made...
  6. Me too, have been with the franchise since the beginning. I hope to God they bring it to PC because I don't got a PS4. :( edit: if you play games U is a gamer. Don't listen to that 'hardcore gamer' bullshit, those people never have any fun the last game i played was the new amplitude. i don't play other games
  7. i've played literally every ratchet and clank game (apart from the ghey PSP ones) since the first waaaaay back in 02 and I just fucking love them. I don't understand why there aren't more games like it.. aka super easy and you dont have to grind out levels. so boring. you just play and blow cartoon shit up!! whats not to love!! edit: caveat i am not a gamer
  8. balls deep into season 1 now. my god, al swearengen is a fucking masterpiece. yeah ian mcshane fucking rules
  9. saw star wars again in 70mm film IMAX non-3D aka the best possible setting... still had a really great time!! Good movie. I'm not a comic book nerd so my feelings towards films aren't ENTIRELY motivated by plot and spotting inconsistencies, so it seems like a great film. The acting is really good for a start and miles more subtle and skilled than any other sci fi/marvel film of the last decade other than possibly jj's star trek. Great star wars direction with touches of abrams. scene wipes are used sparingly but lovingly. lots of quick crane camera moves. good stuff, keeps it exciting compared to shot reverse shot on a green screen couch in coruscant. a few *too* many oh neat old stuff fan service which leads me to... really disappointing from the art direction team. the aliens, costumes and most importantly space ships from the prequels are awesome, i don't care how shit the acting and script is. every ship is awesome. I can't think of one cool vehicle in this one. rey's landspeeder was LITERALLY just luke's rotated 90 degrees. Lame. but whatever. I love star wars and this one still delivers.. still laughed and got emotional at all the right parts.
  10. Yeah it's a fuxking landmark really. Incredible. Nothing sound like it at all.
  11. White people no culture meme literally never gets old
  12. indeed. on the liner notes: "Play twice before listening" funny how you remember these things... the summer after my freshman year at college I was mowing a lawn and threw this on. found it somewhat unremarkable but it... just kept getting in my head for days after... hasn't left since.
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