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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. lol i vommed at work the day after this thread!!!!
  2. I wasn't drunk when I was dancing in that video
  3. HOLY FUCKING SHIT.... i mean this shit is insane, these fuckers will never stop talking about "the caretaker", "christ." or fucking "beatwife" for godsakes and yet,..... for some reason.... meat beat manifesto is deemed too 90s... in an age when 90s shit is so fuckin in, the sound, the look. fuck. ditch the vaporwave and listen to some actual 90s shit. MBM is the real deal. it's insane to me how *underrated* they are in that many many people on WATMM have NO FUCKING CLUE who they are. just listen to less on autoimmune and you will know that mbm understand everything. or.... stereophrenic. stereophrenic has as more "analog fuckery" than more "tracks" written "p0st-tuss". it's from 96. ok???? come on watmm.. get a fucking grip. this album is 20yrs old this yr. it's time you actually listen to it.
  4. gosh. what a huge mistake. if any newbs are reading this. please. make a concerted effort and dont do what bitroast did and take care of yourself. sit down, listen to subliminal sandwich all the way through. (pssst in the 90s we called this a double album) smdk
  5. literally go to hell. take a fucking car ride to hell. oh no. subliminal sandwich is too long for me. fuck off. please fuck off lopez. subliminal sandwich is all about having no concept of time. this album is processing what the last half of the 20th century was like. it's not over in 30 minm jesus fuck
  6. hey guys. its me dr lopez just wondering what everyone is up to on a wednesday night EST. i'm listening to subliminal sandwich which is just about the greatest album released in 1996. 20 years ago. yes it is. and dont all u faglords come yelling at me being like "BUT D-LO DONT U KNOW RDJ ABLUM WAS RELEASED IN 96 ITS GOT CORN MOUTH UHH I MEAN CARN MARTH ON IT IZ SO GOOD" sorry friends. fine album. afex is great. but. subliminal sandwich is the greatest album of 96. there is no comparison. anyway we can debate this late into the night. having a good time and dont want any1 to harsh my vibe. wht are all you doing later>???? lemme know <3 dlo
  7. LOL! I had to endure 2 hours of this the other night and the Olivia chick is batshit. The only reason he hasn't voted her off yet is he needs to hire more bodyguards I'm sure. also the producers were like.... she makes good television. sad one of the twins had to go... still #teamcaila but... i've always had a soft spot for becca and after the whole neon lights vegas date i'm more on board than ever. i want to marry becca!!!
  8. wtf does any of that even mean lol edit: all i know it DOESNT mean is more colundi from aleksi
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