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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. There were like two dank memes in the last salvo
  2. lol carragher is also a cunt
  3. It is impossible to do anything new anymore I want to die
  4. Just because it xmas don't mean the dankness has to stop
  5. youtubes thread is thataway --------->
  6. videodrome is frikkin awesome edit: i'm a big fag for young james woods tho edit edit: any age james woods tho
  7. dr lopez


    holy shit this also sounds amazing
  8. dr lopez


    these live releases end suspiciously before the NA tour. CAN'T FUCKING. WAIT.
  9. dr lopez


    love the frequent buyer discount :)
  10. its called the herd mentality and you know as well as i do what was said in the chatroom, because someone had the gumption to pm me what had gone down. You werent alone, hive-mind spasticus autisticus specialists came to your rescue. hyperbole & sanctimony runs deep in you, young man, i've met 6year olds with more self control. I lolled at your RH cavorting but did so with regards to the quality of their music, rather than just say "they're sell-outs" or "yer a dick for listening to this nonsense". Its called debating. But you got yer underwear in a twist at hyperspeed and now, here, you take the moral high ground again, then tell me i'm a paranoid prick, then divert traffic onward with no retort? you see...... its those voices again, Meshy, god damn it voices,,,,,ssssssshhhhhhhh voices, ssssssshhhhhh, yer ruining it for me with these geniuses. Meshy's actually a really safe lad, ok, are you listening voices? its ok Meshy, they're silent, for now, yer safe. Now,,,,,,, if we could get onto films watched etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  11. the thing is phantom menace is like 1000x better than most sci fi/action/fantasy films that are released today. there's some great action in there. it's just subjected to 1000x more scrutiny than any of those films.
  12. goddamn it i'm so sad i missed this. I walk by those stores every day as i work just down the road. i would have joined in and done anything sam instructed.
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