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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. have to admit i got pretty happy watching that, might be the first pixar i see since toy story 3
  2. Boogie nights is the only one with any sort of self awareness - weird how it completely vanished in magnolia etc
  3. i'm trying really hard to like this, but .... i'm just not feeling it that much tbh.. mutant standard is great but the rest is s little too "self-conscious" or something, like he's psyching himself out rather than letting his mind just flow with the ideas. well w/e r + 7 is a lot better
  4. its first or third. which ever u want ive never played call of duty but goddamn i just love swooping around in an xwing and torpedoeing some imperial fckers
  5. I do it for the rush, the adaptation, and the general backwardness of the act. never forget
  6. nostalgia!!! hahah!! anyway the 20 person x-wing TIE fighter dogfights are fucking awesome. wish there was one in space tho... how hard is it to throw up a death star 2 and a few star destroyers as a back drop
  7. tfw you listen to 0pn record for first time ( ´_ゝ`)---> Σ(゜д゜;) ---> ヽ(´ー`)ノ ---> ┐('~`;)┌ ---> (゚д゚) ---> (ΘεΘ;) (*゚ノO゚)<オオオオォォォォォォォーーーーーイ! ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃
  8. oh are those supposed to be page 3 write ups?
  9. but thats.... the anglicized version of the yiddish word which comes from german and a literal german translation of spielberg would be: game mountain
  10. game, match, play, certainly not a story, that is eine geschichte
  11. dr lopez


    what if u were listening to ae nonstop as a 14 yr old.... rounding out my decade of ae love before i'm 25... suck on those ae bona fides ehrlichman
  12. still very excited to hear this!! have not had a scintilla of lopatin touch my ears since commissions 2
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