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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. the thing is very few other filmmakers even approach the level of conception and execution that the coens do so i'll see this even if the acting is hammy and i dont enjoy some of the actors. channing looks like he has a big part and that is exciting
  2. yeah there was nothing sexual i dunno.... we ruined him as a society. the second coming of jesus and we were too blind to realize.
  3. That first guy falling down was so bad haha. I can't even begin to describe everything that is wrong with that movie but yeah
  4. The cgi looks soooo bad in that walk movie. They must have had a real wire-thin budget!
  5. Don't fill up on burgers before Saturday
  6. Watmm hasn't been this united since the nice tits thread
  7. to me it just comes off as him being unfiltered and just posting whatever the hell he feels about the album on a message board.it was your response that actually came off as insecure because of how much his not overwhelmingly favorable opinion of it effected you, think about that nah, don't buy it. i'm simply calling him out. even if i am insecure about it my point stands. tbh I was kind of just parodying myself and playing into the Alco role in an opn thread. I have not heard this album and will wait until it comes out and I can borrow it from work. 2alco4every1
  8. i was there the day the dankness died....
  9. i can't wait to listen to this on CD after legally purchasing it with money that i earned at my job because i am a productive member of society and a patron of the arts
  10. it was really bad guys wth *alco n dlo hi 5* anyway this looks like shit
  11. he's checking his bank account there and thinking "quite good." lol
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