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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. track is alright but that's gotta be one of the worst artist name / track name 1 2 punches ive seen in a while
  2. Charmed was pretty great but I didn't care for the collection that came out after that sadly. I will check this one out. Really incredible sound to their work.
  3. we stay together is his best release. too bad the repress doesnt have the great photo on the cover
  4. *extremely deep and depressed sigh and exhale* im still here
  5. Watcher - Simple but fairly effective "thriller" film where a hot girl moves to Bucharest for her husband's job and is then stalked by a creepy Romanian man who stares at her from his window. It was well shot and acted, the main actress was hot so it was easy to watch. While I believe the subtext of this film was about female anxiety and the dangers of men gaslighting women, it (unintentionally) captures hot girl behavior perfectly in that she never did any clever subterfuge or displayed any macguyver-like resourcefulness to capture or ensnare her pursuer, she just openly follows him around in broad daylight and gets upset when her husband and other men don't believe her words or tears. no attempts to build a paper trail against the villain or anything. real hot girl shit. can't stress enough how hot she was.
  6. wow united actually looked halfway decent. liverpool looked pretty shitty although diaz seems like a beast
  7. Rinse Off on 237 365 is my absolutely favorite. that melody that weaves its way into the mix halfway through the track is so simple but so effective. Love it.
  8. lol holy shit imagine akira with fucking jojo rabbit level reddit humor. im going to kill myself.
  9. I really really enjoyed this guy's last album, https://nakedflames.bandcamp.com/album/247-365, which felt like a novel combination of chain reaction and rave that was very enjoyable. Just dropped a new album that I also like, https://dismissyourself.bandcamp.com/album/miracle-in-transit. This one weaves in maybe some soichi terada / far east recording styles. It's also great although not instantly as memorable. Still encourage all to check it out. This guy has talent and I'm looking forward to music from him.
  10. the new nathan fielder show was excellent as expected. so fucking funny. seems like the show is gonna be 8 episodes of finding frances. perfect
  11. Vinyl release on bandcamp!!!! Our prayers have been answered. https://raster-raster.bandcamp.com/album/hd
  12. yeah all the film dweebs on twitter were gassing it up so hard before it dropped and then it came out and i haven't heard one dot about it which means it was mid to bad
  13. Spurs might actually have a good season next year. let's hope they really give conte the backing he needs to produce results.
  14. definitely an underrated film and underrated coen brothers entry
  15. I am by no means a rap expert, but I really enjoyed this album. He has a very clear personality and the music backing tracks are considered and well-produced. It's a bit too long but the fact that he doesn't sound like a xann'd out retard means it's better than 90% of "rap caviar" lol
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