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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by xox

  1. Yeap i couldn’t resist! This is too weird and too good to be left unbought! … but only god knows how much more I’ll have to pay for taxes/customs
  2. i understand it's subjective and i was hoping someone would share all their juicy stories about explosive ejaculations they had at the time of listening to this and swapping all those records!
  3. Watmm should make a rip compilation! All goa trance und schlager music variants
  4. Anyone bought this? Thinking about buying it but not sure how much sense it would make vs just listening to digitals… which i rarely listen maybe records would remind me to listen to it more often
  5. I don’t get it! the biggest odd thing (and possibly impossibly deadly funny) that I see on this picture is that only one person has his right hand over his left hand …and strangely that’s the only one with the word police on his vest also, if a policeman wears glasses do they also have to wear a hat too?! Another strange policEy
  6. This should be great! Their 30.7.94 live release is one of my favorite ambient albums ever. Track Waitati post is also on album Present i believe
  7. Looks interesting! I could finally start using it as my ITB centerpiece
  8. Heh wow this psychopath is beautiful! He left hamas for a mightier destroyer! Look how he can’t hide his pride and smirks when he talks about how nobody can stop israel; typical psychopath
  9. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/antisemitism-billionaires-bailing-ivy-league-donations?utm_campaign=later-linkinbio-foxnews&utm_content=later-38938171&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkin.bio so if you’re against the genocide in gaza you’re pro-hamas?! so sick
  10. Looks lovely! I have a question tho… does that light repel mosquitoes?
  11. yes, and we should all join those ''hate marches'' bc normal people HATE all possible genocides including the one that's happening right now in gaza
  12. You need to prove that you’re not a member of hamas
  13. someone in the us should listen to this man!
  14. https://www.businesstoday.in/technology/news/story/elon-musk-announces-starlink-internet-connectivity-for-gaza-aid-organisations-403656-2023-10-28
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