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Everything posted by jeremymacgregor87

  1. Idk what you're talking about with the breathing, but now that I listen to 7th slip looking for acid-like qualities it sure reminds me of what it's like when your thoughts literally echo through your head on acid along with that weird timestretch feeling where you hear a low hum as a response to stuff. idk how to explain roger
  2. Speaking of vaporizers - how are they? What is the experience like in comparison to a joint, bong, pipe, etc. pleasant
  3. hey sorry about this but can anyone hook us up with a 'best of' of those 'autism intensifies' gifs? Thinking those geometry fails and things of the sort.\ thnx
  4. Just picked up Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. Goddamn that is some fun couch multiplayer
  5. Rectify a bit too squeaky clean but it has its moments (s01e05)
  6. hey this is fantastic thanks a lot! reminds me of this program we used to watch back in the day the first times we did acid... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Night http://www.br.de/fernsehen/bayerisches-fernsehen/sendungen/spacenight-english/index.html Hey no probs man. I'm absolutely loving this show; certainly doesn't hurt that the music selection is often top notch and there's prominent spots by cyriak and don hertzfeldt. Amazing series to just let wash over you really
  7. I'm not up on what everyone's playing on steam but .. uhhh... : Rocket League Borderlands 2 Mount Your Friends Speedrunners Couch multiplayer or online? online... since I don't have what's your steam name?
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