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Everything posted by aquagak

  1. Hopefully it’s not a figmentfabric is not really my cup of tea no offense to people who like it
  2. where will the after party be? i'm traveling from Berlin so not use to things finishing so early
  3. you reckon there will be any after parties for this?
  4. Double post: anyone in need of a ticket? I got 2 for sale
  5. Is anyone looking for a ticket for the London gig? I have 2 for sale
  6. has this been posted here before? the robotic voice in UT1-DOT was recreated https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AEt9OAEiNTMstzA&id=BFD55A9428A2B465!25821&cid=BFD55A9428A2B465&parId=root&parQt=sharedby&o=OneUp source: https://lannerchronicle.wordpress.com/tag/ut1-dot/ https://rareafx.wordpress.com/2023/01/18/sosw-30th-anniversary-how-to-recreate-the-synthesized-speech-in-ut1-dot/
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cuy6V9LMVOE/
  8. I think I just walked past cylob on the street
  9. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuVE2tdJgK_/?igshid=OGIzYTJhMTRmYQ== sound on ?
  10. https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1344313359/aphex-twin-analog-bubblebath-bande-1-bis?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=william+montgomery&ref=sr_gallery-5-4&organic_search_click=1
  11. https://www.highsnobiety.com/p/eytys-aphex-sneaker/
  12. Yes, a few nose beers would be in order ?
  13. Did anyone ever go to this bar? The one in the old Rephlex lineup photo? https://blitzsecurity.co.uk/the-company/case-studies/cynthias-cyberbar/
  14. http://thequietus.com/articles/22935-aphex-twin-fuji-rock-cassette
  15. this site seems to be changing all the time haha lol
  16. points go to ludd and iain c
  17. aquagak

    ventolin eps

    i think ur mistaken, teh only differences i could find r teh laugh track is coupled w/ a diff ventolin track and respect list is seperated from teh track its on on teh ventin ep yeah but the track arrangment exemplifies the true awesomeness of the ventolins dont you think, camon mann!
  18. aquagak

    ventolin eps

    +++++++++++++++++++++++ cylob's mix is fucking slick....... haters - if you listen to singles collection from start to finish you'll see the true beauty of the ventolin's...i think he might have edited them a bit for this release, they seem to play better
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