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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. Guess those garbage chalice dungeons really were the end of Bloodborne for me. Tried to get started on another playthrough but I just can't. sad. all right game though, in spite of those. Back to Battlefield 1.
  2. it's really good lettuce with very good melodies. one might even say it's the best lettuce they ever did, if one was to rank things. what a strange imaginary buffet where the lettuce turns out to be the best thing on offer. maybe I'd put bladelores (just the song) between the lettuce and the garbage. that's a good song.
  3. amber > garbage > oversteps > incunabula > peel session 1 > quaristice > tri rep. gets blurry from there. draft I guess?
  4. not that I know of. unless you count the campaign missions. but the currency you use to buy weapons and stuff is pretty easy to come by, so even if you happen to buy a weapon you don't like you won't be stuck with it for long. and if all fails, the starting weapons are perfectly competent too.
  5. worth it!!! so happy they added servers with all the maps in rotation. you can play for hours without seeing the same map twice now. not that any sensible adult with real life responsibilities would ever do that, but in theory!
  6. https://m.imgur.com/a/N2Ue9 Garbage won't embed. Nothing ever works but the click is worth it.
  7. Beat the final Chalice stuff in Bloodborne. It was pretty garbage but the last boss was cool. Should've put her in the main game instead of hiding her away like that.
  8. going back to Battlefront in anticipation for 2, which looks very good. good game
  9. The London one was pretty okay. It was too far into development for them to scrap it when Unity tanked but ye, Unity was the primary reason they skipped 2016. Origins is supposed to be pretty sweet from what I've read.
  10. unfortunately just started destiny 2, otherwise I'd be all over wolf. Is it pretty much like playing DOOM? Looked like the same engine etc. Same engine but plays a bit differently. If you want to run and gun like in Doom you'll probably want to lower the difficulty. It's pretty difficult. But same engine I think, ye. It looks insanely good and the shooting itself feels even better than the previous games. Also feels good to support a linear SP game with no bullshit microtransactions or tacked on MP stuff in the current year I guess.
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