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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. Abrupt endings are pretty normal on Caretaker stuff. Nearly every song on An Empty Bliss... ends like that so it's most likely intentional!
  2. good interview also: https://noisey.vice.com/en_us/article/gy5a59/john-maus-at-the-end-of-the-world I love this dude. he's cool
  3. you know it's a good review when the reviewer requires almost half an hour to present her opinion on a movie.
  4. finally the negative opinion everyone was waiting for. this whole movie can be dismissed now.
  5. Flight simulator part was funny. I wonder how much more stuff got cut.
  6. I'm playing Wolfenstein atm. It's cool. Not bothering with stealth though. Stealth is a waste.
  7. Should I start out with Wolfenstein or Doom on my Playstation console when I get them in the mail on physical media?
  8. Ordered Wolfenstein and Doom for console and I am now looking forward to playing them both on console with a controller in my hands.
  9. why do you care about this shit so much? The lore. The EU. Aren't you older than me? I had those cool books of all the ships and shit when I was fucking 10 and then I stared whacking off and realized that shit was lame. what's your excuse? I honestly don't get it. It's one thing to be vaguely excited about a Star Wars film coming out because you liked it as a kid, it's an entirely different fucking expanded universe away to be certifiably over the age of 12 and be posting "leaked lore" about a new space ship with laser IN THE FUCKING MADE UP IMAGINARY CONEXT OF A MOVIE FOR CHILDREN. at least post this shit talking about your disappointment with the art direction or something. Or is your life really that lame that you have to pretend Star Wars is real. Dang!"why do you care about this shit so much?"
  10. The update ruined my old save which bummed me out pretty bad. BUT, they already put out a patch that seems to have fixed everything. Pretty sweet. On a saturday even. Update itself is pretty amazing. And overwhelming.
  11. Not looked much into it myself because I'm like 100 jumps or so away. Though I guess it should be a lot easier to go there now that they've introduced portals. There's a lot of info here https://nomanssky.gamepedia.com/Galactic_Hub_Project There's apparently entire factions and such that people have made up. Seems like it could be fun to visit now that you can actually (kind of) see other players.
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