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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. Rayman Legends is one of the best games I've ever played. Everything about is perfect. Also, dat soundtrack:
  2. Controversial update.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Npoess



    3. Turbo Zwanengestuif

      Turbo Zwanengestuif

      Well I have heard you say it even more rude...

    4. MisterE


      oh no you dinnit!

  3. Three threads about Syria on the front page.. what the shit is this shit.

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      syrious business

    2. hello spiral
    3. Npoess


      We Are The Music Maker: Your politics crap talk resource

  4. Funny youtube link.

    1. triachus


      But I don't see any.

    2. Friendly Foil

      Friendly Foil

      Wrong opinion up there.

  5. The hype for GTA V is making me unable to enjoy stuff. Hopefully the new Rayman in a few days will change that.
  6. Dead Rising 2 (and the Case Zero thing) It's free on Xbox Live for the next few weeks, so I might as well give it a try.
  7. I still think this album is perfect in every way. Nothing bad to say about it.
  8. Yea I read an interview where they mentioned what would've happened in season 3, if they'd made it back then. For example, the first half would've taken place on Killface's home planet and stuff. I would love to see that.
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