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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by colunga

  1. seems his only real beef is losing some chick to an Asberg king.
  2. Play any of their last 3 albums and tell people it's the rare one the pharma bro bought I bet theyll believe it. I would.
  3. I keep seeing those first two on my YT and there isnt an option to select "not interested" or "dont show me this channel"
  4. They wanted to do an Aphex documentary so they pressed an EP to promote it and may not have got in touch with AFX? What was on the vinyl? Is the interview being filmed next thursday with RDJ?
  5. colunga


    Cool! Alamo Draft House was playing something similar to this before Dune 2. but it would cut between the 3 different versions for each scene instead of showing all three at once. I think it was about 30 min long.
  6. i think the tweet might be the full extent of their 30th anniversary celebration for this album.
  7. I havent listened yet but im kinda shocked Kanye isn't in ALL CAPS victim mode like he usually is for his breakdowns album roll outs.
  8. NTS Radio 1 + 2 not working for me on Apple Music. anyone else have this issue?
  9. I wish you could edit the radio stations to Autechre or anything other than the pre-set station music
  10. excited to hear this! glad there will be no features! hopefully no autotune as well!
  11. colunga

    AE_Live 2022

    ooo so maybe purple will be the color of the next set of sets
  12. colunga

    AE_Live 2022

    so happy i was wrong about this
  13. colunga

    AE_Live 2022

    probably a reissue ?
  14. someone should snip some of the AMA and upload it to elevenlabs to create a Sean Voice
  15. light one up for the plug bruh
  16. So weird that Q is still a thing... No Clinton Arrests, no military tribunals, No further anthony weiner reveals, no pedo evidence, no reveal that Trump or anyone near him was Q.
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