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Everything posted by lala

  1. the bird in the middle looks slightly perturbed
  2. amazing little insect dude
  3. and my lol diffuser. its polystyrene cups full with tissue. apparently i need something to get around or above the target. like a pringles tube or something
  4. and my practice spider. hes always there at night (im in insomniac mode) and always willing to have an awesome shot taken: sorry if the 'sect shots are getting long in the tooth. im trying some BOC grainy ambient cover ones to keep you guys happy i swear
  5. damn airbnb is expensive! ive found this one, shes obviously bang up for it but its 1500/month edit\|* found some cheaper ones outside of the central. cool
  6. my Fstop is on a wheel, i think id lose the image easier than just moving back and forth and taking loads of shots i'll give it a go tho and my auto focus is BAD. it goes backwards half the time. its stupid and 2nd hand maybe faulty.... manual is so much better for me. and does that beeeep when its in focus :] as for japan, i can get a 6 month visa. and that would be awesome if you could hook me up. i have some friends there but im not sure where they live. one in osaka another in kyoto.. which seems quite far out. i want to be in the crazyville for a bit
  7. @ vertical hold: you can get the flash (mx30 mk1 speedlite something) which can , for £80 at low power flash at burst speed or thereabouts, and just take loads of them, but you can break it apparently if you overdo it.....grrrr... the newer one has protection but you have to be rich to buy it. it can help greatly with getting a crisp shot. im betting canon comes out with an autostack mode in a camera soon. but it will be high end
  8. oh: still trying to learn focus stacking, and hands are too shaky/windy/insects moving to use higher than F5.6 atm. even with flash. some people i know use F11! else this last one would have been a beaut if i could have got his eyes. they are hard buggers to get!
  9. Yah, well eventually some shit is gonna explode or whatever, because Tokyo is fucking dense and prices are retarded. But apparently, there are people who are coming to Tokyo for education, then going back to the country side for whatever. Some places outside of Tokyo feel like the promised land, where everything is still sincere and full of heart. Like I went to a place that had a small shopping area and a cafe, and the woman working at the cafe had cafe vibez. It was like cafe vibez in late 90's, far before Starbucks became mainstream and every single fucking person went to cafes. Markets there had cheap fruit/veg from local farmers, cheap fish, etc. Obviously, because there is high nature and cheap prices in those places, it will prolly eventually be flooded by hipsters or someshit, within the next 15 years. But still, land o' opportunity indeed- especially if work can be done via internet. Like where hardoff lives, that dude is paying like $400 USD equiv. for a 9 bedroom house. NINE BEDROOM. In Tokyo for that price, you have to rent a closet, with a shared bathroom/shower area or something like that. Doesnt, make, sense. Only downside to country is being 1.5+ hours from central Tokyo, and needing of a car or at least bicycle, cuz markets are far away. And it's kind of surreal, because due to the amount of land in the country side, the roads are wide, and shops have huge parking lots, which is not common in Tokyo-- surreal part is that it feels like a movie set of suburban USA, like how the infrastructure is setup. Was looking at Tokyo apartments/houses, and one that was 1200~1600 sq ft or something- granted it was nice- but it was like 1.3 million dollars. You could buy a massive farm in Texas for that price. Or in Japan coutry, you could literally buy a mountain side or whole mountain. i want to go live in japan for as long as i can on a visa, had a girlfriend for 6 years and find the culture fascinating where would you recommend to live to get a good bang for buck? a friends brother lives in kyoto, but that looks mileage (i want to hang in tokyo for nightlife) ive got ~£1500/month about maybe more maybe less depending on factors
  10. *i think* you can mark them as 'being fixed' and worth pennies
  11. my point was that its amazing what you can learn from the net in a few weeks on forums than a years worth of not having forums
  12. love the spider & the alien you guys are helping my (only slightly recently) lack of ego. only had the camera a few weeks and still trying to learn how to match aperture with shutter speed & ISO etc.. anyone want an album cover they are welcome to one, ive got loads of weird ones like that
  13. Id laugh if contained in every autotuners high frequencies theres hidden code to decode it back to normal to hear what they actually sounded like before they were 'tuned
  14. Havent got anything to add but that bug song is terrible & 'smell yo dick' made me lol. Gormley is just missing a music gene or something, it isnt his fault , seems like a nice chap really
  15. a friend told me metrobank was cheapest for him (this was last year) https://www.metrobankonline.co.uk/Personal/Using-your-Debit-or-Credit-Card-abroad/
  16. lala


    shame if true about rephlex
  17. lala


    because he also invented comedy in music
  18. lala


    'Announcing 'Syro' - A new album by Aphex Twin to be released on Warp Records 22/23 September. Whenever one of the most celebrated and influential electronic fartist, Richard D. James can compete with the music flip to influence built. The better part of a decagon, James Polygon Window, Caustic Window, GAK and maintain, including `Aphex Twin has unreleased music under several thousand monikers great pace.' i presume you guys noticed this already, i havent been here for the 120 pages
  19. lala


    wait, theres an analogue bubblebath 5? they're the best ones
  20. when i come back im planning on moving to berlin for a bit. half price rent compared to london sounds good to me. edit* and techno scene, obviously :]
  21. where is it you are again? edit* ahh phnom penn. how is it?
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