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Everything posted by lala

  1. Only from my limited experience of monitors , the only thing I don't like is that they are light compared to my friends tapcos & Mackies , they feel cheaper than others. But I can hear a good mix vs a bad one and they are flat & revealing like the adams.. A bargain !
  2. Mini review - the Jbls are like adams
  3. ive just plumped down for jbl LSR308 's i'll do some kind of mini review you probably cant trust in a day or 2
  4. these are on a few layers of transparent acrylic... every layer of acrylic adds 2 reflection layers so too many layers you end up with a mirror if the background is black... i love the black background ones but i made a load of bad looking ones due to this problem, and the print process being bad at the darker tones.. lots of too-dim back-most layers... so transparent works best!
  5. yeah i understand what you mean - it would add to their lifelike-ness wouldnt it. sometimes i like the symmetry tho - you can see other patterns within the main shape
  6. lala


    wow, the volcas sound good dont they!
  7. ive got an exhibition in brighton right now where ive got these done layered up on transparent acrylic so they are 3D selling them too if anyones interested - theres loads more but it takes ages to post them 'aquatic specimens of kepler 22-b'
  8. earlier my brother started whistling a star wars piece, just before i clicked over to the star wars thread. Another weird coincidence, he didn't know where i was clicking, he was playing wow. haha. funny true coincidence - i was reading on gearslutz something about 'crappy generic pop' as as i read the words my housemate sung that annoying bit that sounds like rasputin out of that gaga tune.
  9. cool! what about a simple midi-fuxxor/midi-merger? that must be well easy to write
  10. i wonder if anyone could hack fruityloops to do that with our own music
  11. Ah man, I always loved Alien Stompers, I've never had a pair though. 'but i bought them for you' was her answer to why she took them when she moved out. maybe its a japanese thing?
  12. < ^shoes made for the alien films, mine taken by ex girlfriend, they were a present to me ^fairly similar with purple laces ^my faves, made in the uk, wanted red N w/ white trim but they dont make them ^but blue & luminous green some acupuncture, element, a nice pair of addidas torsions w/ high back and fluffy interior brown & orange dont ask me to post hoodies please
  13. lala


    /end thread. shame the mastering on the SO stuff is so shitty back OT, i only like the 2nd track in where it goes up-tempo for about 3 bars. i thought i had found the holy grail of dancefloor IDM but was disappointed. oh well. waiting for lewd archives STILL. its like the duke nukem of electronica... :/
  14. One of my life long dreams is to buy one of those Master Grade Eva01's that are super awesome and really really expensive. But I can only see myself wasting that much money on something like that if I had A LOT of money to waste. im into FSS. crap anime (needs a remake asap) but the best models you can get. i got a whole load of them boxed up for a rainy day:] = slightly owns the eva models... also i never, ever, ever saw what people see in bezerk?
  15. i loved ponyo - thought it was current trying freedom out sky crawlers - a bit meh
  16. hugo has just brought round a bottle of ethanol that jerome made. im having it with apple juice and 1 cube of ice. its very smooth. and if you can tell by my posting style, the few sips have already had an effect. its made from cornflakes and jam! crazy.
  17. loads of spooky. old generic stuff and new spooky uk stuff (well some of it) when good spooky rule!
  18. didnt read any of thread but ebola was AMAZING at bloc. worth checking out.
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